Chapter 23: Alexander Dixon

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            "You mean it?" Kay said looking into Alex's eyes with a vulnerable look.

            "Every single word of it." Alex whispered. Kay smiled, leaned up, and kissed him on his lips. It only lasted a second before Kay broke it and smiled again. Both of them looked into each other's eyes with so much love.

            "I love you too." Kay said sweetly.

            "I think I'll head off to lunch." Chris had said before walking away. I had completely forgotten he was here. I watched him walk to the cafeteria until he was out of sight, and then turned to look at the two love birds.

            "Okay, so who would like to explain to me what the hell is going on?" I asked raising my eyebrow. Both of them just stared at me.

            "Now." I narrowed my eyes. Kay cleared his throat before speaking.

            "Let Alex tell you." He said before hiding behind the football player. I turned my glare at Alex, who began to get uncomfortable.

            "Will you stop looking at me like that? Your pink eyes freak me out." He asked me.

            "Once you tell me what's going on." I narrowed my eyes even more.

            "Fine! But not here, let's go to the gym." He said grabbing Kay's hand and pulling him. I followed behind the two. Once we got into the empty gym, Alex led us to the bleachers. He pulled Kay next to him as he sat down. I sat their left and turned to look at them.

            "Now explain to me why I'm only finding about this NOW." I asked again looking at Kayden. He blushed and hid his face.

            "That's my fault. I didn't want anyone to find out about this." Alex admitted.

            "So why did you come out then?" I questioned. Alex looked Kay in the eyes while answering me.

            "Because he told me either I had to come out in public or lose him forever. I realized I couldn't be without him." He said. Kay had a smile come across his face.

            "How long has this be going on?"

            "For a few months." Kay said this time.

            "Months?" I repeated surprised.

            "Yeah." He smiled.

            "Well I, for one, am upset you didn't tell me about this earlier." I said looking at Kay.

            "I'm sorry. I wanted to but it wasn't really my place to say anything." Kay reasoned with me. I sighed before speaking.

            "I understand. I just don't want you to be hurt that's all." I smiled.

            "I'm not." He smiled grabbing Alex's hand.

            "So does this mean you're going to be nice to people now?" I cocked a brow, looking at Alex. He scoffed at me.

            "Not at all." He smirked. Kayden elbowed him into his side scolding him.

            "Fine! I'll be nice to Adeline and Hannah, but that's it." He pouted at Kay. Kay leaned and kissed him on his lips sweetly.

            "That's okay, just be nice to my besties." Alex looked at Kay with a smile in his lips.

            "I really do love you." Alex whispered.

            "And I really do love you too." Kay responded. I started to laugh. Both boys looked at me offended.

            "What are you laughed at?" Alex sneered. I just looked at them as I responded.

            "Well I was just remembering that I thought it was Chris who Kay was in love with. That the two of them were in a relationship." I giggled. Both of them got an uncomfortable look on their face. I stopped laughing.

            "What?" I asked cautiously.

            "Well you see..." Kay started. "Hehe it's kinda a funny story." My eyes got wide.

            "No!" I said realizing what he was implying.

            "Yeah." Alex said pissed off.

            "But-but you and Alex. How? When? What the hell?" I said quickly.

            "You see, I had started off this year liking Chrissy and flirting with him. He flirted back but it never led anywhere. Then Alex came into play just as Chrissy finally figured out he liked me too. So both of them kind fought over me, and yeah." Kay told me.

            "Kayden, you didn't play with the two of them did you?" I narrowed my eyes.

            "No! I swear I didn't! If anyone did, it was them! I was so confused on what to do." He confessed.

            "Way to throw me under the bus." Alex said rolling his eyes.

            "You deserved it." Kay stated, smiling.

            "Wow, I defiantly can tell you two are in love." I giggled. "But I do have one question for Alex."

            "What?" He said curiously.

            "Were you always bi or didn't Kay convert you to the gay side, as he likes to call it?" I asked seriously, but I was trying to hide my smile.

            "Well, I'm not really gay. I don't find guys attractive, just Kayden. So no I'm not on the 'gay side'. It was just easier to say I'm bi than explain it to everyone." He explained.

            "Are you sure?" I smirked.

            "I plan to be with Kayden for a LONG time." He smiled looking at the boy he loves.

"So you're both boyfriends now huh?" I asked.

            "Well, we really haven't talked about it." Kayden told me.

            "Ahh." I said getting up. "I'll leave you two alone then. You two need to talk about something." I got off the bleachers and walked towards the exit.

            "Oh! Two more things" I said turning around. "One, I'm really happy for you two. I can tell you two truly love each other. I hope for the best for you two."

            "And the second thing?" Alex questioned.

            "You hurt or break his heart, I'll kill you." I smirked and walked out the exit to the cafeteria to see my boyfriend.

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