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Ivory's POV

I remember the last time I saw my mother alive. She was lying in her hospital bed, her body frail and weak since she wasn't taking chemo so she still had beautiful blonde hair. I got to say my goodbyes to her. I never felt a rush of panic or sadness because I knew she was dying, I had known for two years. It was inevitable, something as common as the sun rising in the morning.

So as Leo and I ran down the hospital hallways I was not familiar with the feeling I had coursing through my body. We were racing against time, trying to see Xander one last time, say one last word, and hope that he could still make it.

I never had that chance to hope with my Mom.

I didn't like this feeling though. I didn't like to feel like the world was crumbling down around me, like my heart was restricting against my rib cage, like my breaths were the last ones I was going to take.

I couldn't imagine what Leo was feeling.

"Where is he," he shouted once he saw the nurses station ahead. "Where the hell is he!" Nurses, doctors, and patients stopped what they were doing to stare at the crazed man beside me, a man they all recognized. Confusion and fear were evident in their eyes.

"Where the fuck is he," Leo repeated, his veins nearly bursting through his skin. His eyes were wet with unshed tears and his body was trembling in panic.

"Sir you need to calm down," a doctor said softly although I could see the irritation clear in his eyes. I wonder how many people run through here demanding to see their loved ones.

Before I could stop him Leo grabbed the man by his collar and hoisted him up until his feet were dangling off the ground. People all around us gasped in shock. "Tell me where the fuck my father is!"


We both swiveled ours heads to the voice at the end of the hallway. Holding two doors open was an older man, early fifties I would assume given the amount of gray hairs he had in his long beard. He might have been old but he was built like a giant.

"Michael," Leo breathed in relief. He dropped the doctor, letting him fall to the floor and gasp for air. I shot the poor man an apologetic look before running after Leo.

Leo instantly embraced Michael in a hug, seeming to take Michael completely off guard. It took a second of two before Michael reciprocated the action. When they pulled apart I noticed Leo's eyes have become wet.

"Is he...?"

Michael shook his head and began to lead us down another hallway through the double doors. "Not yet but it won't be long. Everyone is saying their goodbyes."

"How did this happen," Leo choked.

"He was in a car accident. Somehow the brakes were cut and he crashed into a guard rail."

Leo froze where he was, making each of us stop as well. The look on his face was utter horror. "They did this."

Realization dawned on me as soon as the words passed his lips. I didn't have time to feel angry or sad, I had to get Leo to Xander before it was too late.

"Leo come on." I urged him forward by pushing on his back. He numbly began to walk. "Your Dad is waiting for you."

Leo kept walking but I knew that he was thinking about Adrik, the outside world didn't exist to him right now.

"How fast was he going when he hit it," I asked Michael who kept looking at Leo like he was trying to figure him out.

Good luck with that.

Serving Leo [Book 4 of the Stavros Series] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now