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It's been so long, I know! See below for an explanation!

Do we need a recap? Some might lol

Adrik accidentally caused Xander's death, making Leo seek revenge. Leo wanted to destroy the mob by pretending to be apart of it and learning it's secrets. He called Adrik, told him he would fight for him and panicked and let it slip that Ivory had ran away (lie) when Adrik asked about her. Leo broke up with and fired Ivory to make her indeed run away so Adrik wouldn't find her. The end. 

~One Year Later~~

When I was a kid I had always dreamed about owning a small bakery, making my life living in an apartment upstairs. Of course I changed and so did my logic. After I left New York, even though I told Leo I wouldn't, I knew that I had to find a new job with skills that I had. When I was nineteen I almost burned Isaiah's apartment down when making cookies. So obviously being a baker was out of the question.

The only skills I had were answering phones, setting meetings, and paying such good attention at work that I could fill in for the CEO when he decided to take a lunch break with his nephew. As good as I was at being an assistant it was only because I knew the ins and outs of Stavros Enterprises; Xander Stavros showed me them himself which I knew was very rare. I couldn't find another boss like him who could teach me patiently how to be his assistant, and I definitely didn't want to find another boss like Leo Stavros.

Fortunately I wasn't completely useless; I had another set of skills that was very sought after in the modern world. I knew how to defend myself in a fight, therefore able to teach others.

I found myself in the city of Boston, of which I told Adrik that I hated with a passion, with a small rented out space large enough to start my own boxing gym.

Of course boxing gyms were all over Boston but they mainly targeted males so I made sure mine targeted the other half of the population. It was slow for the first month and I seriously worried about making rent for the first month because I only had three costumers. Luckily though I made it to the second month by the hair of my chin when thankfully my business became an utter success. All I had to do was notify the local all girls' academy that I would be giving them half off prices to teach them how to ward off an attack. The PTA loved it and made it mandatory to all girls.

After Leo and I broke up I stayed in New York for only two weeks, crashing on Jose's couch, before I couldn't take it anymore. Knowing he could be around any corner I turned unnerved me more so than knowing it could be Adrik instead. I didn't have feelings for Adrik anymore, I could easily tell him to shove it and walk away from him forever. Leo though. . . it made me sick every time I thought of him and I knew why; it hurt, it hurt because he mattered to me.

When someone you care about walks out of your life it's not like ripping off a band-aid and the pain is gone after the initial sting, no it's like being thrown down a mountain hitting every boulder on the way down.

So I gathered up the only things I owned (two week's worth of clothes and my dog) and left. I got on a bus and went to the last place that I figured Adrik would look if he came searching for me: Boston. I had enough money in my savings to move in a loft with a younger newlywed couple I found on a website the first week. They're names were Ashley and Phillip and they had sex like a bunch of wild rabbits and when they weren't fucking each other on every surface of the apartment they were yelling at each other, screaming as loud as they did in the bedroom. I got a job as a waitress at a horrible Asian restaurant and as soon as I earned enough money I rented out the space for the gym and quit the hell hole. I also moved out of the apartment and decided to crash in the gym instead since I didn't have many customers anyways.

Serving Leo [Book 4 of the Stavros Series] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now