Loss of Humanity

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Part 1

Bella's POV

I opened my eyes to see a world filled with light. Everything was still very blurry but I saw a figure lean down to me. "Hello". The figure said to me. I just blinked at him and then we both heard an ear-piercing scream from behind me. We both turned and I saw another figure who was beautiful but she was dying, I knew that and also that this was my mother.

Aro's POV

My wife just gave birth to an adorable little girl. I greeted her and she just blinked at me but then Aria (my wife) screamed an ear-piercing scream and I knew from that moment, not even vampire venom could save her from the depths of death.

 I watched in agony as my wife screamed and screamed until she just stopped. Her heart, which was going a billion beats a second, just stopped. She was gone. Aria was dead and I couldn't have stopped this. We knew that she may not survive to the point to eject venom but she didn't want our daughter to die.

 If I could cry, there would be tears rolling down my cheeks like my daughter. She was crying and I was afraid that she may cry a flood. "Aro? What are you going to name her?" Caius asked me, obviously not surprised that Aria didn't make it. "I was thinking of naming her......Isabella Marie Volturi". I answered. Caius, Marcus, Felix, Demetri, Alec and Jane liked that name very much when Aria suggested it.

 I scooped her up and tickled her little face. She giggled exactly like Aria. I laughed along with her. My dear friend Carlisle came back from his walk outside. He helped Aria give birth to Isabella and left to give us time. "She's probably thirsty". Carlisle suggested. "She's actually surprisingly not". Jason said as he walked into the room. He had the ability to know what someone was feeling such as emotions and thirst, tiredness etc.

 "What do you mean Jason?" Marcus asked. "She's half human, Half vampire isn't she?" Caius asked. "She should be but no. She's tired. Because she's still human." Jason clarified. "That's impossible." Carlisle responded. "We all know that Isabella proves everything that is impossible, possible." I claimed wanting nothing more than to take Bella away to find Alec and Jane so Bella didn't have to listen to this conversation. "I will stay here for a few weeks so I can monitor her growth." Carlisle said as he left the room. "I will take Bella to her new room. " I announced.

3 Years later

Bella's POV

I loved playing tag with Alec and Jane. They would pretend to catch me but I would always leap out of nowhere and jump on their backs laughing. Besides father, they were the only ones who stood by me at my mother's funeral.

Carlisle says that I have the intelligence of an eight year old. He also said that when I reach five years old I won't age until the years catch up with me. Therefore allowing me to have a normal human life.

Father now let's me come to some of his meetings. I know that everyone here is vampires and I cringe in my sleep every time I hear them have dinner. The screams are enough to keep me up but father always comes in and sings me to sleep. I had to sit and experience a really boring meeting about two vampires wanting to get married but Marcus wanting to keep one of the vampires because of their ability.

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