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Bella's POV

Michael was alive. He was my cousin. Two years ago, a few months before I moved, there was a terrible accident.

*Michael and my aunt and had come over to spend the night but Michael had to go back to the house to get something. Since he was 17, my aunt thought that he could go himself. We were in the middle of a conversation when we realized that he had been go for hours. We decided to check on him. We drove to my aunt's house and we noticed that my aunt's car-Michael had used to get here-was still in the driveway. I carefully made my way inside the house. I made my way up to his bedroom and pushed the door open slightly. Blood. All I saw was blood. Michael was lying on the floor with a huge wound on his neck, covered in blood as well as a knife sticking out of his wrist. It had bled out and I was pretty sure that he was dead. I screamed and my aunt and mum came up to see what had happened. We had called the cops and they had told us that he was dead.*

"Michael? How are you here?" I asked confused. He's dead. "Isn't it obvious. I'm a vampire just like you." He said, mockingly. I hissed at him. "Don't you like Edward anymore? Just Alec?" Michael teased me. I let a growl slip and I was quite happy to let another slip. He used to be so nice, what happened to him?

"Ohh so you do like Edward? Don't worry all that will change. As well as how you feel about Fredrick." A chick said as she walked into the room. "Michelle, pleasure I'm certain." She said while looking directly at me. "No, it's not a pleasure." I said, snarky.

"Enough! The boyfriend will be here soon." Fredrick announced as he walked into my old bedroom. "What do you want with me?" I asked Fredrick. "I want revenge against the Volturi and the Cullen's and you're going to help me and your little boyfriend." Fredrick said with an evil glint in his eyes.

Just then Alec bursted through the door and glanced around the room. "Ahhh, the boyfriend has come." Fredrick laughed and Alec and I looked at each other. "Boyfriend?" We both said in confusion and unison. "Michael, Michelle, this is Alec". Fredrick introduced then looked at Michael. "You know what you need to do." He said, laughing.

Michael came over to me. I was trying to plead with him with my eyes but it wasn't working. He looked me in the eyes and I immediately knew what his power was. Compulsion.

Michelle and him share this power. They compel you while your under the spell or asleep as most people call it. I couldn't fight it. My shield wouldn't save either of us now. I guess we could only hope that everything would work out. Michael locked eye contact with me and I felt tired. My eyes started to close until I just gave in to Michael. There's no use fighting it if you know that you're going to lose anyway.

Michael's POV

Soon I got to work on compelling my cousin, Isabella. 'Now Isabella, I want you to listen to me carefully. You will believe that Alec is your boyfriend and that you love him unconditionally and irrevocably. You will also believe that Fredrick is protecting both of you, your master.' I thought.

My compulsion works like this; you make you victim fall asleep then you have this mental connection. This mental connection allows me to tell the victims what we want them to do or in this case what Fredrick wants them to do. Then once our connection fades, the commands (what you compel them to do) start sinking in and then once it has fully sunk in, the victim wakes up, compelled. It's pretty cool.

Michelle's POV

Once Michael had started compelling Isabella, I had started on Alec. We made eye contact and soon he fell asleep, allowing me to compel him. My compulsion works a little bit differently to Michael's.

My compulsion starts with my victim falling asleep but their eyes stay open. I then stare into their eyes and compel them (talk aloud) to do whatever I want or in this case why Fredrick wants them to do. The compulsion works slower then Michael's. Then the victim's eyes close and they fall into a deep sleep. Once the compulsion is fully set in their minds, they wake up, compelled.

I stared into Alec's eyes and said what I needed to. "Alec, you will be completely in love with Isabella. You will love her unconditionally and irrevocably. You will believe that Fredrick is protecting both of you, your master." I compelled him. Fredrick then walked back into the room and admired our work. "Brilliant. Extraordinary. Michael, Michelle please leave and don't come back until I call you." Fredrick commanded. "Yes master." Michael and I replied in unison.

Fredrick's POV

I had Michael and Michelle wrapped around my little finger and soon I will also have Alec and Isabella. I will get my revenge on the Volturi and the Cullen's. Then I will get Michael or Michelle, whichever I can manipulate, to compel Isabella to be in love with me...



I updated the description. So if you haven't read this story after 31/7/13 then go and read the description! Leave a vote, leave a comment and leave any suggestions. I'll speak to you next chapter. :)


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