To Feel or Not To Feel?

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To Feel or Not To Feel?


That is the question.


Edward's POV

Bella was lying in her bed, dead. Well she wasn't dead, that's impossible for a vampire unless they're decapitated and set on fire. But she looked dead. I briefly saw Alec lying on the floor, the same as Bella but I didn't pay any attention to him. Something was wrong...very wrong. I could read parts of Bella's mind. Such as her memories and past thoughts but no present thoughts. I quickly glanced at Alice before sinking to the ground in pain. Alice ran over to me and helped me out of the room. I didn't want to leave and everything was pretty much blurred out after that.

*•*•three days later*•*•

Fredrick's POV

Isabella and Alec were playing the perfect couple. It was fascinating when we called the Cullen's. Their obvious pain was written all over their faces. I have felt sorry for Isabella. She couldn't access her memories and her emotions and selfness weren't there anymore. But it didn't matter. I will have her to myself before this decade's gone.

I was currently reading a book 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'. The character Cedric Diggory reminds me of Edward Cullen. Don't ask me why but that's how I see Cedric in my mind. I was up to the part where they have that DADA class where Mad-eye Moody (Death eater what's his name) is performing the imperious curse on the students. But I reckon that the death eater, Mad-eye Moody put Harry's name in the cup. Ahhh, magic.

I wish I was a wizard and just go around swishing my wand, speaking foreign words and people would be dying or being controlled and tortured. Ahhh, that would be my perfect world.

Bella's POV

Alec and I were sitting in main room of the studio we were sat in. I was practically in his lap. All of my motions, movements were controlled. Most of my memories were locked away. Alec stood up when his phone rang, knocking me of his lap and going outside. A single memory came flooded back.


*Flash back*

I was sitting in Renee's music room in Florida. One that she turned into a yoga room, Zumba room and other stuff that is too boring to mention.

Edward had gone out hunting and Renee and Phil were at the shops. There was a single piano in her room and I knew a few notes so I brushed my right hand against the keys and felt an overwhelming sensation of calmness flood through my veins. I pressed down on a key in the middle and let the sound carry away. It sounded so beautiful that I composed a song.

•'I don't know what this is

But I can tell it's something that I can't miss

It's like your showing me where happiness lives

And all I have the strength to do is turn to you

Aro's Daughter (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora