Guess Who's Back?

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Bella's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and they quickly adjusted to the room I was in. It was very dark and dull. I could sense a homey feeling about it. Suddenly a lamp was switched on from the corner of the room. I had to blink a few times. The light was really bright.

As soon as my eyes readjusted, I realized that I was in my old bedroom. The one in Arizona. Suddenly I heard shuffling in the corner of the room. I looked up to see my kidnapper's face. Fredrick. I growled at him. "Isabella, now now. It's not polite to growl." Fredrick said. "It's not polite to kidnap either but that didn't stop you, now did it?" I said sarcastically.

He let a growl slip but quickly recovered. "What do you want with me? You attempted to take away my humanity when I was younger and now you kidnap me." I said as I realized that I was chained to a chair. I knew that I couldn't get these chains off of me.

"Isabella, I have someone who would like to be reacquainted with you." Fredrick said while smiling evilly. I looked to the door as it opened. couldn't be...he's dead.


I wonder who it could be? Have to wait and find out. Anyway should we go back to Edward or Alec. Hmmmm. I don't know. Let me just check with my crew................okay we have made the decision. We will go back to...drum roll please. We will go back to...


Alec's POV

Isabella had run off after we kissed. I knew what she was feeling. She was confused. She probably still liked Edward and she has a daughter. I wish that I could apologize. Although I actually enjoyed that kiss. I have always been wanting to kiss Isabella from when she first showed up with Edward Cullen.

I used to look at her like my little sister but now I think that I have a crush on her. Confusing right? Well not really but kind of. I decided to try to locate Isabella. If I don't bring her back, Aro would have my head. And that's not a good thing.

I walked slowly out of the forest, realizing that I looked like a complete mess. Luckily I had some money with me. I walked into the nearest town and walked into a clothes shop. The town had a lot of places where the was no sunlight whatsoever so that was good.

I had walked out of the clothes store two minutes later, changed. I had a black, long sleeved, v-neck shirt with a pair of denim jeans matched with some black and white converses. Having Jane around meant that you always had to look your best.

I made my way back into the forest and started to 'hunt' Isabella down. It wasn't long before I caught onto her scent. I tracked her scent to a clearing in the forest with a waterfall and a stream. It was there that Isabella's scent mixed with another vampires'. Someone had followed her. I started following the scents quicker. I followed them until I reached Arizona.

Let's just say that I tracked the scent for a few hours. Running through Canada and back into the U.S.A. I finally started to hear voices when I realized that I was standing in front of the house that we had left Isabella off 14 years ago. My heart suddenly fell when I realized that Fredrick had kidnapped Isabella.

I rushed inside and ran up to what I assumed was Isabella's bedroom. I ran into the room. "Ahh, the boyfriend has come." Fredrick said. "Boyfriend?" Isabella and I asked, confused, in unison. Suddenly I noticed two other vampires in the room. "Michael, Michelle this is Alec." Fredrick introduced. "You know what to do." Fredrick told the two other vampires and left the room.

I looked at Isabella as Michael went over to her. He looked her directly in the eyes and before I knew it, she was under his spell. She fell asleep. Then Michelle came over to me. She looked in my eyes and I suddenly felt like sleeping. I tried to fight it but it was useless. I slowly fell under Michelle's spell and fell asleep...


There another chapter done. I know that it's really short but hey sometimes this happens. I will try to upload another part later this week to make up for it. Anyway, leave a vote, leave a comment and leave any suggestions and I'll speak to you next chapter. :)


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