Guilty or In Love

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Bella's POV

Alec and I pulled away from each other with surprised looks on. I'm sure that Alec's expression mirrored my own. What just happened? I'm in love with Edward. What about Renesmee. I know she hates me but still. I'm her mother and I can't be kissing someone who isn't her father, my husband. It's just not right. I felt so guilty about the kiss. I took one look at Alec and dashed off into Canada. I kept running until I found this clearing in a forest with a stream and a waterfall. I sat down and looked at my reflection in the water.

I couldn't recognize myself. "Who am I now? Everything I knew has turned back to front, upside down and fallen out the window. What's going to happen to me now? I just kissed Alec and found out that my real father is Aro. What's going to happen with Edward or our daughter?" I asked no one in particular. "I'm lost mum, please help me." I never knew my mother but I loved her all the same. As if she was right there listening, the wind blew strongly, blowing my hair all over the place, a piece of paper landed in front of me.

'If you love something, let it go.

If it comes back to you, it's yours to keep.

If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to love.'

Those were the only lines written on the page in a curly, fancy script. Somehow I knew that someone wanted me to see this. The paper's right. I have to let the Cullen's go. If they try and find me than they truly love me. If they don't than they never really loved me. That's the truth. I decided that I would tell them my decision. I found a piece of paper and walked around until I found a pen. I sat down and started to write.

'Dear Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Renesmee, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper and Jacob,

I have decided to let you guys go. I love you guys which is why I'm doing this. You'll know what to do if either you truly love me or you never really have. I'm giving you this choice. I won't be sad or depressed if you don't love me, it's better to know now than later. I don't care what your reasons are for outcasting me but you have them. I love you and you will always have a place in my heart but maybe not in my life. Goodbye Cullen's and Jacob. Possibly forever.

Love Bella.

P. S I'm not upset or anything like that. Goodbye.'

I found an envelope and posted the letter. I took a huge, unneeded breath. I'm finally starting a life with no lies. I will not lie to myself when I say this. I feel so guilty about the kiss but it felt so right. I sat down when all of a sudden I started falling off the seat, into a pool of blackness. I tried to stop but it didn't work. I was falling into a black Abyss and no one could help me. I accepted the blackness when in came.

Edward's POV

The whole Volturi (the ones that were standing in our house) were crushed that Felix was dead. Serves them right. I cannot believe that I fell in love with Aro's daughter. I will never let myself love her again. I looked down to Reneesmee to see her brown eyes looking back into mine. 'Mummy is a traitor. She never told anyone that she was the weird guy with the long girly black hair's daughter.'

 Reneesmee was thinking pretty much what I was. Why didn't she tell us? She lied to us the whole time we knew each other. How can I ever forgive her? Before I knew it I was sucked into one of Alice's visions.

'Bella and Alec had just reached the Canadian border and Alec was crushing rocks and cursing. Bella put a hand on his shoulder and he turned around. They kissed each other.'

Against my wishes the vision ended. "What the Hell? When did that happen?" I yelled not caring if Aro heard. "A few hours ago." Alice responded in a very scared, quiet voice. I was just about to yell when the mailman appeared outside. I dashed outside and took the letter out of the letterbox so hard I almost broke it. I rushed back inside and showed my family the letter.

"The letter says:

'Dear Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Renesmee, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper and Jacob,

I have decided to let you guys go. I love you guys which is why I'm doing this. You'll know what to do if either you truly love me or you never really have. I'm giving you this choice. I won't be sad or depressed if you don't love me, it's better to know now than later. I don't care what your reasons are for outcasting me but you have them. I love you and you will always have a place in my heart but maybe not in my life. Goodbye Cullen's and Jacob. Possibly forever.

Love Bella.

P. S I'm not upset or anything like that. Goodbye.'

So she's not upset." Jasper read out loud.

My she's not my Bella anymore...Isabella let us go. Why did it hurt so much? I guess there's always going to be a small part of me that loves Isabella and I can't help it. I'm wounded. I felt Alice get pulled into another vision and I knew it was about Alec and Isabella's kiss so I tuned out and ran upstairs.

 I heard my family shout for me but I didn't want to listen. All I wanted to do was curl up on my couch and sob until I can't sob and mope anymore. I shouldn't have come back for her. It was entirely stupid of me.

I looked at my left hand. It suddenly felt really heavy. It was because of my wedding ring. I slid the piece of silver metal that represented Isabella's lies and threw it against the wall opposite me. I hate her! Why did she spoil my life with all of her lies? When I left her, she acted as though she was in depression and agony but while she's frolicking around with Alec, I'm laying here with nothing but a feeling as if someone has ripped my heart out.

I can't breathe anymore. She was the reason for my existence. I have no reason anymore. I'm envious of James. He doesn't live in this stupid life anymore. I picked up the ring from where it landed and bent a tiny bit of it. I jumped out of my window. I ran past the treaty line. The werewolves were all at my house so I didn't have to worry about them.

I ran straight to the highest cliff at the reservation and looked over the edge. The ocean looked amazing and dangerous all at the same time. I took the ring out of my pocket and in a simple motion, threw it over the edge. I felt the most agony in my life as the ring hit the water and sank to the bottom. I fell to the ground and screamed. It was as if Jane was using her power on it was was like being turned all over again.

 I was broken and not because of her lies but because I never gave her a second chance and she's given me hundreds. I dove over the cliff, fast approaching the ocean below. I was going to get my ring back and give Isabella a second chance...


A/N Sorry about the updating time. I was in a hurry to finish this chapter. I know it's short but I hope it's good. I enjoyed writing this chapter. I really love how I made Edward angry at Bella at the start and then he changes his mind. I still don't know what to do about Bella and Alec. Oh, well have to wait til next chapter. I promised that next chapter is going to be longer, as well as explain Bella and Alec's situation.

As always, leave a vote, leave a comment and leave any suggestions, and I'll speak to you next chapter. :)


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