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UPDATE (2017)

The sequel has been unpublished due to my lack of updating and inspiration. I apologize to everyone who enjoyed this story and wanted to read the sequel.

But while you're here, I need you help. As I have unpublished the sequel, I need to know if I should fix this story up so there's not mention of a sequel and delete the sequel altogether.


Do I continue to write the sequel and publish it in like three years time when I've almost completed it?

I guess I don't have the inspiration to continue writing it at this point and I don't know if you guys even want to read it. The sequel would be about Will and his new girlfriend and Renesmee and Jacob. Please let me know what you guys think and again I'm so sorry about this. Please forgive me.

And now back to the old post...

...with some editing....

I would like to thank everyone who read this story and for being so supportive. Just know that it's because of you guys that this story was finished. Thanks everyone.

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Thanks guys.

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