Author's Note

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Hey guys. Thanks so much for reading this story. It means so much to me and the votes and comments as well. I have some unfortunate news. Since the creativity stream outside my house is running low, I literally have no idea with how to move on with this story.

So unfortunately I'm going to put this story on hold, or a month or two. I enjoy writing the story but lately I have just started running out of ideas. I apologize to all those who are enjoying his story. However I have a few different ideas I could use but I need help from you guys for how this story will go.

Okay so my ideas are:

1) Pasts. Michael's past, Michelle's past, etc.

2) Battle. The Volturi and the Cullens have to team up.

3) Rescue. The Volturi and the Cullens save Bella and Alec and everything goes back to normal.

4) Rescue #. The Volturi and the Cullens save Bella and Alec but Bella and Alec go to the Volturi.

5) Marriage. They can't save Bella and Alec and Bella and Alec get married.

6) Forever compelled. Bella gets compelled to love Fredrick and therefore she is lost to everyone forever.

7) Like idea 6 but Volturi and Cullens attempt to save Bella.

Okay so they are the ideas. I want you guys to vote via the comment section or my inbox. If its a comment write it like this:

I would like to see (the number/ first sentence. Eg. Rescue#)

Or something like that. If its in my inbox write it something like this:

Aro's Daughter idea (either the number or the first sentence. Eg. Battle)

Thanks so much guys. I will have another short note to let you know which idea I will be using. Don't forget, if you have enjoyed it so far, leave a vote, leave a comment and leave any suggestions for what to do next. I'll speak to you next chapter. :)


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