Outcast By Bloodlines

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say I DON'T OWN TWILIGHT OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS (except Aria and Bethany) JUST A LITTLE BIT OF THIS STORY'S PLOT LINE! I know I probably should have said that earlier but I didn't so stop crying and fussing about it. Just to recap; I DON'T OWN TWILIGHT OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS JUST A LITTLE BIT OF THIS STORY'S PLOT! Anyway here's part 3.  


Part 3

Carlisle's POV

I can't believe my family and Jacob. They were backing away from Bella. It was because they had just found out that Aro was Bella's birth father. I mean just because she's his daughter doesn't mean that she's any different. I mean Edward should understand.

Bella loved him even after she found out that he was a vampire. This isn't as bad as that. I glanced at Edward and saw that he was glaring at me. Damn! He must've heard my thoughts.

"I can't believe this! Isabella, we must hurry if we want to fix you." I said mostly to Bella than anyone else.  "Carlisle, this is Bethany. She claims that she can save Isabella." Aro said pointing to a red headed vampire while he opened his arms. Bella ran straight into them obviously upset with the way that my family and Jacob were treating her.

She hugged him like he had just come back from a three year holiday. "I hope that you know that I love you, Isabella Marie Volturi." He mumbled into Bella's hair.

Alec's POV

My little sister (figuratively speaking) was back. I was too caught up in my memories I didn't realize that Edward was backing away from Isabella and Isabella was crying into her father's shoulder. When I finally did, I went over to them and Isabella turned around and hugged me, squeezing me to death while sobbing.

Master Aro went over the other Cullens and started a big lecture. 'Oh great. Another one of Aro's greatest lectures. Why oh why did they have to provoke Aro into him giving us all a lecture?' 

I wrapped my arms around Isabella defensively while Aro spoke.

"Isabella Marie Volturi is not different to Isabella Marie Swan who is no different to Isabella Marie Cullen. Except for the lifestyle change. There is no reason to treat her like a stupid outcast. She is the same girl that Edward Anthony Masen Cullen fell in love with and the same girl who loved Edward back. Just because her memories were changed back then does not mean that she's changed. I am disappointed in all of you. How dare you treat my daughter as a outcast? Maybe you guys never truly loved her." Aro's voice was barely audible now.

Thank god. That meant that he was done with the lecture. The Cullens' and the wolf's face was priceless. They looked guilty and scared. I suddenly felt someone staring at me. I turned around and realized that it was just Bethany.

I looked down at Isabella and realized that her humanity was back. I poked the closest person to me to make her laugh. Unfortunately for Jane it was her who I poked. "Ow!" She complained and Isabella laughed. She looked up at me with those big gold eyes, adoringly. I missed that. I looked back at Isabella with my red eyes showing the same emotion.

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