Chapter 2

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I walked into the school and was greeted by all my friends.  "Erin last nights game was the sh*t!" My friend James yelled at me.

"Hey thanks James!"  I hugged him and he looked me over.

"Girl what are you wearing?  You never dress up," he was right.  I usually just work jeans and a t-shirt but today I was wearing a skirt and a purple tank top with a leather jacket over.  My hair was curled slightly and my make-up looked amazing.

"I don't know.  After last night's game I feel so much better now.  Like I can finally relax a little.  Which reminds me, do you know any body named Josh?  He has light hair and light eyes."  James just looked at me and laughed.

"You mean the most popular guy in this school?  Yeah everyone knows him."  What?  The most popular guy at school?  How had I not known him?  Well I guess I can see why, during lunch I always went home to check on my mom, then after school I went to practice then after that I went to my night shift at the nursing home.

"Oh okay.  Um I'm going to head to first period okay?  See you in third," I ran off to class and quickly found out I had to really stop running.  "Oh I'm so sorry," I looked up and saw Josh.

"Hey we really have to stop meeting up like this."  I laughed at him and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry I was just trying to get to class.  I see you made it back from running," he laughed and nodded.

"Yeah no thanks to you.  But I guess you had somewhere to be, but seriously how do I not know you?"  He asked and started keeping a pace with me.

"Um I'm pretty busy all the time.  I'm on the baseball team."  He stopped and looked at me.

"Wait you are Erin?  The famous Erin?  You are like known around this school more than I am.  But I thought you were a dude," I giggled and tapped his chest.

"Well a lot of people think that, then I kick their a$$," I walked into my classroom and left him standing there stunned.  What the hell was that?  I've never been such a flirt around anyone. 

"Hello class, I hope everyone had a good weekend and I want to remind everyone that the baseball game was a hit!  Our school is going to state!"  I rolled my eyes.  Leave it to coach to make such a big deal about that in an English class.  "And if who ever came to the game last night no homework for a week.  And I know who you are so don't try to play me.  And Erin no homework for the rest of the year."  I smiled slightly and listened to all the groans and moans from the class.

After first period was finished I got up and walked out having the girls swarm me.  "So what did you have to sleep with him in order for you not to have homework?"  I laughed.  I mean I knew coach was extremely hot but he was 25 and I was only 17 plus he is my teacher.

"No actually, I play on the baseball team."  I walked past them leaving them shocked.  No girl ever played sports in this small town so hardly anyone knew that Erin from the team was actually Erin from class.

"Hey Erin!"  I turned and saw Josh.

"Are you stalking me?"  I asked and he laughed.

"No I'm simply running after you screaming your name."  I laughed and started walking with him following close by my side.  "So what are you doing for lunch?"  I stopped and looked at him.

"Um I've actually got something to do.  I'm sorry," I walked off and he stopped me.

"What about after practice today?" 

"No sorry, I'm busy then to."  He looked sad and I sighed.  "I'm free for an hour before practice today."  I saw his face light up and I smiled.  "I'll see you then, go hang out with your friends and I'll meet you at the front door after school."  He walked away and I shook my head.  I really couldn't believe I agreed to hang out with him.  What did he like so much about me anyways?

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