Chapter 8

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After the night that Shane didn't stop, I refused to go to school and practice.  Shane thought I was sick and believed it.  When in all reality I was trying to find a way around living with him.  State wasn't far away and I hadn't been practicing much.  Friday was coming by faster than I thought and I still hadn't given Josh a real answer yet.

Just as I was about to call the adoption agent my phone buzzed with a text message from a weird number.


Hey it's Josh.  I got your number from your friend James.  I hope you don't mind.  I missed you today at school.  Call me so I can make sure you are okay.

Josh?  Why did he want my number?  He could have any number he wanted yet mine he went out of his way to find out mine.  This boy was something else.  But as I dialed his number to call him I felt scared.

"Hello," his voice was husky as usual and I nearly melted right there.

"Hey Josh I got your text.  Thanks for checking up on me.  I'm fine by the way.  Oh and I am completely free Friday so whatever you want to do we can."  I said fast, almost tripping over my words.

“Really?  That’s great.  How about dinner and a movie?”  I felt my heart flutter.

“Yeah, that’s great.”  I could hear him let out a deep breath. 

“Are you going to be at school tomorrow?”  His voice was full of longing.

“Yeah I’ll be there.  Maybe we could go straight to the dinner after school?”  I said trying not to come on to strong.

“That would be great.  Do you not have practice?”  Crap I completely forgot, Shane was giving us no time off till state.

“I’m pretty sure I can get out of it.  I’ll text you and let you know if I can, but hey Coach just got back so I’m going to go fix some dinner.  And Josh?”  I said waiting for him to answer.

“Yeah Josh,” I took a deep breath.

“Thank you for caring.”  I hung up and slowly made my way out of the room looking for Shane as I walked through.  “Shane?”  As I looked in the living room I saw something I didn’t expect.  Shane was changing into a different tee shirt, but he wasn’t alone.  There was a women sitting on the couch watching him. 

“Oh sorry.”  I turned to walk away but his words stopped me.

“Mary this is my girlfriend Erin.”  I turned to him and the women, Mary, glared at me.

“Actually I’m not his girlfriend.  I’m just living with him for the time being.  Mary you can do whatever you want with him.  It doesn’t bother me.  Shane I have plans on Friday so I’m going to miss practice.”  He didn’t even have time to respond before the whore grabbed him.  He fell on top of her and I was done watching.


“So are you ready for our date tonight?”  Josh asked as we drove back to Shane’s house.

“Actually yes.  I’ve never really been on a date, so I am really excited.  Thank you for asking me Josh.”  I smiled at him and he nodded.  As I pulled into the drive I saw that Shane was still not home.  Thank god!

“Um if you want to wait in the car that’s fine.  I’m just going to go change into something nicer and then I’ll be right back.”  He smiled in understanding.  I ran into the house trying not to trip as I hurried to change.  I brushed through my hair some and then finally when I didn’t look as horrible I ran back out to the car. 

“Wow you look really good.”  I blushed and drove off down the road. 

“So where am I driving us to?”  I asked after ten minutes of silence.

“Just keep driving down this road till I tell you to stop.”  I sighed but did as I was told.  We passed diner after diner and still I had nothing but confusion written over my face.  When we drove past the city I looked at him.

“Okay turn left right here and keep going to the dead end.”  I nodded trying not to let him see the shock I had on my face.  When I finally stopped I looked outside the windshield and nearly fell out of my seat.

“Josh this is beautiful.”  The sun was just setting over the mountain tops and the dark twilight sky was taking its place.  It was completely beautiful.  He was making sure everything was completely perfect.  I love him.  Wait what?  No I don’t love him; I never could love him or anyone.  I was meant to be alone forever.  My family was cursed and I was not going to end up like them.  Plus I had my baseball to worry about and I didn’t need a guy to bring me down just in case I made it to college.  But maybe for now I could be okay with him.  I could let him in a little bit to make me forget about everything Shane was doing to me.

“Erin do you really like it?”  I looked at him shocked that he didn’t believe me.

“Josh you have done everything to make this perfect.  Thank you for caring.”  I smiled up at him and he leaned in.  But this time I didn’t run away I leaned in with him and as soon as his soft lips hit mine a huge shock of electricity shot through me.  That’s when I realized, I did love him.  But I could never tell him because all he would ever do would be hurt me.

But just for tonight I would let him in.  I would let him have the chance to hurt me and hope that he doesn’t.  Yet after I pulled away from him and looked in his eyes I had a feeling he wouldn’t hurt me.  He would love me forever and ever.   Who was I kidding?  Josh didn’t love girls he got what he wanted from them and that was that.

Josh’s POV

I could see the confusion on her face as I told her where to turn and when to stop.  Yet as we pulled up to the end of the cliff I saw how the beauty affected her.  “Josh it’s beautiful.”  She said as we made our way out the car to sit on the hood. 

Her eyes took in everything and that’s when I knew I was falling in love with her.  I didn’t want anyone else but her for as long as I lived.  But I could never tell her that.   She had already been through enough and she would most likely hurt me.  But here I was giving her the chance to tear me into two.  “Erin do you really like it?”  I saw her eyes flick to disbelief as if I didn’t believe it was beautiful.  This was true.  I didn’t think anything was beautiful compared to her.

“Josh you have done everything to make this perfect.  Thank you for caring.”  And as the words left her lips I felt like the there was just me and her in the world.  Nobody would tear us apart.  So I leaned in praying she wouldn’t run away again and then I felt it.  Her soft lips against mine and the pull I felt towards her was like nothing I had ever felt before.  This was the women I wanted to spend forever with.  But for now, at this time, spending tonight with her would do.

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