Chapter 6

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Why did HE have to be a family friend?  See before my father died Coach's dad was very close to my dad and his whole family loved our family.  Well when my father died they helped us.  When Coach left for college his parents were in a horrible car crash, after that he was always there for us and we him.  But now I am kind of dreading that fact.

"Wait with Shane?  You have got to be kidding me right?  Isn't that illegal or something like that, he's my teacher."  The man took the seat next to me and I tried to ignore the stare I was getting from Josh.

"See it's either him or we put you in a orphanage for the next year.  Honestly Erin this is the best thing that could happen to you.  He offered to pay for  everything himself.  Just give him a try."  Give him a try, I bet that's what he wanted me to do alright.  After another ten minutes of signing the papers I turned back to Josh.

"Your mother died?"  I nodded and started doing another math problem.  "Were you going to tell me?"  I looked up at him through my lashes and smiled a little.

"Josh I hardly know you, I didn't really tell anybody till today.  Just please don't make a big deal about it.  Nobody knows anything about my home life and I tend to keep it that way."  He looked at me sadly but left it alone.

"Would you like to hang out today?"  I saw the glint of happiness in his eyes.

"Josh I would love to really, but I can't I have to go talk to my boss and then apparently move in with Shane.  Then I have my baseball practice that I can't miss.  I really am sorry.  Maybe there is a new girl around here that you haven't been with before."  I stood up grabbing my books and he held my wrist.

"How about I help you move?"  I smiled a little and nodded. 

"Um meet me outside after school.  I'll take us to my house then when I come back up here for practice you can get your car back."  He nodded and I waved bye.  Why was he making me feel so much better.

"Hey Erin," I turned and saw Coach. 

"What do you want?"  I asked letting the venom seep through every word.

"Did you hear?  You are moving in with me!"  I stared at him completely calm.

"Oh I bet that is just what you want huh?  To finish what you started?  Let me tell you something, if you ever touch me or try to undress me with your eyes like you are doing right now I will kill you.  Don't think I won't.  I hate you Shane!"  He stopped my outburst and crushed his lips to mine.  I tried to pull away but he kept me still.

When he finally let go my lips were aching.  I slapped him and walked away.  Joy living with him was going to be just as fun huh?  Having to constantly keep him off of me.


After school

"Hey mister mister," I said as I walked up to Josh.  He smiled and held a coke out for me.  "Where do you get all these cokes?"  He laughed and I walked to my car with him trailing behind me.  Once we were in the car I put on my favorite song by 3OH3(sorry for none of the rocking symbols).  Deja Vu.

Hey mister bartender mix me a drink

I really need something to tell me its okay not to think

Because I've been to all these bars and I've seen all these places

I've hit on all these girls I've heard the same conversations

Cab driver cab driver take me away cause I already know all the words that she say

And I'll be creeping out the window at the first sight of day

Cause every single night it seems to go the same way

I think I've been here before

I think I've run into you

I know the things that you do

Cause this is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

I think I've been here before

I think I've run into you

I know the things that you do

Cause this is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

Mister bartender you will kick me out

And the blond girl in the back you'll put your tongue down my mouth

And the greaser in the jacket gonna pick a fight

And they'll probably kick my ass cause

I'm drunk every night

Officer officer tell me the truth

How many times can I get in trouble with you

Before they lock me up for all the bad things that I do

But you don't and that's why this feels that Deja Ow! Vu

I think I've been here before

I think I've run into you

I know the things that you do

Cause this is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

I think I've been here before

I think I've run into you

I know the things that you do

Cause this is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

Whoa Whoa

This is Deja Vu

I turned to look at Josh and he was smiling, "what?" 

"I've never seen a girl who has no care in the world just by listening to music."  I blushed a little and kept driving till I was to the small house.  The outside wasn't much, two trees, a small gate, and a path.  It was inside that I was worried about.  There was only one bedroom in this house.  One bathroom, and a kitchen.  That was it.  But that was what we survived by.  My mom never wanted to use any of the money my dad had saved up so we survived by this.  I turned the car off not making a move for the door. 

"I'm sorry it's not much, but it's what I have- had."  He took my hand comfortingly and smiled. 

"It's beautiful, and it's yours that makes it all the more better."  I smiled at him and finally tore myself from the safety of the car and walked up the to short pathway.  Once inside I had to fight myself not to fall and cry.  This was too much for me.  I've lived here since my father died and now I was leaving.  This wasn't how I pictured leaving.  I pictured moving into a nice house and coming to pick my mother up to show her her new home.

We started to work sorting out through what I needed and what was trash.  Until I came upon my mother's wedding ring.  It was with my father's.  I dug through the jewelry box till I found the chain and put the two rings on it clasping it around my neck.  I let a single tear slide down my cheek.

"I love you mom, dad."

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