Chapter 13

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Leaving Day

“Josh I’m sorry you can’t come.”  I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder staring at the bus that would be my ride to state.

“Erin don’t worry about it.  It’s for the best anyways.  I’ll watch every game on the TV. though okay?”  I smiled up at him finding myself fall more in love with him.  “Erin I love you.”

“I love you to Josh.”  I kissed him gently never wanting this minute to end.  But just like everything else I want it never happens.  The horn of the bus blared for us to hurry.  We were on a tight schedule.  “Well since you aren’t going to even consider sneaking on the bus will you at least carry my bags?”  I asked innocently.  It wasn’t much.  One big suitcase full of everything I would need and a backpack full of essentials. 

Chocolate, chips, coke, IPOD, sour candy, coke, phone, magazine, coke, money, and coke.  “Erin I love you and all but do I have to carry all the bags?”  I smiled and got out of the car hearing his groan.  Oh big deal I’m about to have to face 20 teams who all want my team destroyed.  I sat on the hood of his black car waiting for him to come back with my bags. 

“Honestly Josh you make it seem like you are leaving for a whole week.”  I took both my bags from his hands without ease and walked to the bus. 

“Well I’m sorry that I am not as worked out as you.  Some of us like to lounge around the house and be lazy.”  I rolled my eyes at him trying not to laugh.  He was right I was a little be harsh on him but its fine.

“Josh can you do one thing for me?”  I waited for his reply which came in a swift nod of the head.  “Put this in the back for the suitcases and let me have the backpack.”  He sighed and took the main bag throwing it in the back shutting the door behind him.

“Okay now you owe me.”  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

“One week away from you is going to be torture.   But I want you mister, to go to school, have fun, and try not to miss me to much okay?”  He laughed kissing my cheek then finally my lips.  I felt the electric shock from my head all the way to my little toe.

“And I want you to go win the tournament for me and try not to get into too much trouble without me there.”  I smiled nodding at him.  I kissed him gently, pulling away from the comfort of his arms. 

“Go to school.”  I laughed and he kissed me one last time before walking to his car.  I walked up the steps dreading the teasing from my team mates.

“Whoop whoop!”  They yelled at me and I threw my backpack at the nearest seat. 

“We ready to win this thing!?”  I yelled getting everyone yelling.  I sat down smirking at the scowl on Shane’s face.  This was going to be some week.  I laid my head down on the window trying not to worry about what Shane would try to do to me this week.

Two hours later

“Erin?”  I heard the familiar voice.  My eyes fluttered to the bright light of the sun and that’s when I felt it.  The hand on my thigh.  I turned slowly to find Shane.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”  I yelled trying to get his hand off but it kept riding higher up me thigh.

“I’ve missed you Erin.”  I felt his lips smash down on mine and I was shocked.  I couldn’t move.  I jumped a little and my eyes were wide.  I looked around and the bus was full of teenagers.  Shane was on the other side of the bus away from her.  It was just a dream.  Just a stupid dream that doesn’t mean anything.

I took a deep breath looking at my phone.  One text message.

Hey school sucks without seeing your beautiful face.  I miss you.  Can’t wait to talk to you tonight.  I love you.

I smiled and instantly felt better.  It’s almost as if he knew I needed him.  I wouldn’t put it past him to actually know that. 

I miss you so much.  I can’t wait to finally be back in your arms.  I love you to Josh.  More than anything else.

As I sent the text message I felt my heart speed up.  “Text from lover boy?”  My team mate Austin asked.  I smiled nodding and looking up at him.

“What about you?  Any texts from Sarah?”  I asked trying not to pry.

“Oh we aren’t together anymore.  Yeah she was cheating on me, so I had to get rid of her.”  I laughed and nodded.

“Well good.  I didn’t really like her anyways.”  He smiled and I saw something I only saw in Shane’s eyes.  Lust.  “Um, I was about to take a nap.  Will you wake me up when we stop?”  I asked knowing he would.  He always looked out for me.

“Sure thing.  But hey tonight some of the guys are going to have a little party and we wanted to know if you would come.” 

“No.  Sorry.  How about when we win I’ll party okay?”  He nodded and moved back to his group of friends as I fell into a light sleep. 

Well how does everyone like it?????   I’m sorry it’s taken me a while to write it but I’ve been super busy.  But here it is.

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