Chapter 3

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The day went on and I was dreading meeting up with Josh.  I had told my friends about it and they were all surprised.  He had never shown an interest in any of the girls at this school.  "Hey Erin?"  I turned and saw coach running up to me.

"Yeah coach," he smiled at me.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you practice right after school.  We need to work a lot if we want to win state."  I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

"Coach we are perfectly fine.  Having practice at an earlier time will just end up working us to hard and possibly injure someone."  He nodded and looked me up and down.

"Good idea.  You want to tell all the players to just show up at the usual time."  I nodded and he walked off relucntly, that was awkward.  I sent a message to the whole team saying practice was at the usual time and walked off to find Josh.

"Hey sorry to keep you waiting.  Coach stopped me and I had to convince him we didn't need to have practice early," I said as I walked up to Josh.  He smiled at me and held out a water.

"I didn't know what to get you, I hope this is alright."  I smiled at him nodding.

"Thanks but I drink everything.  I'm not one of those girls who worries about what goes in her body.  I work out and all but I love to eat."  He laughed and put the water back in his bag pulling out a pop(soda).

"Here is this better?"  I nodded and smiled at him.  After drinking the whole thing he looked a little taken aback from me.  "You really are something else."

"What do you mean?"

"I've asked everyone about you and the team says you are one of the guys but still one of the girls.  Who are you Erin?"  I laughed at him.

"I'm just a girl who learned how to play rough."  He smiled and I looked at my watch.  "Oh crap, Josh I'm sorry but I really have to go."  He's going to ask why, crap what do I say.  I completely forgot I had my mom's medicine to pick up.

"Erin why?  It's not even an hour yet."

"I have an important errand to run.  I'm so sorry."  I ran off to my car sighing.  I don't know why I even try, my life is never going to be easy, so I might as well stop all chances of having a boyfriend.


After practice

"Hey Erin will you stay behind?"  Coach asked as I was about to walk off the field.

"Sure thing," as everyone else left I looked at coach confused.  "What is it?"

"I just wanted to say you looked real good today.  And me giving you till the end of the year no homework that comes with a price."  I looked at him a little confused.

"Coach I don't understand." He laughed and pulled me to him grabbing my a$$.  "Coach let go of me," I pushed at him as hard as I could but he wouldn't let go.

"Now you are going to do as I say or I'm going to kick you off the team," I looked at him horrified.  He knew what being on this team meant for me.  I stood still and let the tears roll down my cheek.

He pushed me to the ground and got on top of me, I cried and he ignored me as he continued to feel every part of me.  Soon the hours went by and he had what he wanted.  "Don't even think about telling anyone about this."  I looked at him again wiping my tears away and pulling up my shorts.  I ran away from him, I trusted him.  He helped me through all of the troubles I had.

I heard him calling after me but I wasn't going to turn around.  I ran as fast as my legs would go.  Finally I found my car and I sped off.

so everyone how do you like it?

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