chapter 28

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Five years later

"And here we have number 28 Erin Lysger. Now John don't you think it is something else how she has had two kids and still she hasn't slowed down?"

"Actually Bob yes I do. She has showed us that this sport isn't just a guys game girls can play to. And if I might add better than some players I have seen."

"That is true, John. But I think we all know why she's up to bat now. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for another one of her famous home runs."

The stadium was silent. I couldn't help but get nervous. If we didn't win this game we lost our spot on the leader board. The score 15-12. I had three people on base. Just needed a grand slam and we win. I watched the ball go by. Strike, ball, ball, strike,and ball. Here it was the moment of truth. 3 balls, 2 strikes, and 2 outs. I watched as he pitched the last ball and finally swung with all my might.

"HOME RUN!" I smiled and saw my name in lights. We won. We won. We actually won. My team came out and gathered around me picking me up.


After the game (at home)

"Josh, I'm home!" I yelled and was greeted by two little girls. Sarah was four and Emily three.

"Mommy mommy!" I smiled at Emily picking her up.

"We saw you on the TV mommy!" Sarah yelled and I held her hand.

"Oh really and what are y'all doing up so late?" They both giggled. "Well let's get you two into bed." Sarah took off running and I walked Emily into her bedroom. I laid her on the bed smiling. "Mommy loves you very much Emma-bug." She smiled and I kissed her head.

As I walked down the hall to Sarah's room I thought of Shane. He would of been so proud of her. I often thought this whenever I saw Sarah but I had not told her yet. I would wait till she turned 18. "Mommy can I go to work with you tomorrow?" Sarah asked the moment she saw my foot enter the room.

"Well of course but I have to warn you. I might kidnap you first." I tickled her enjoying the sound of her laugh. When I was done she looked up at me.

"I love you mommy. And daddy too." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"We both love you very much." I walked to my own bedroom still wondering where Josh was but all my worries stopped as I saw the bed full of flower petals. I followed the path to the bathroom and saw a bubble bath waiting with wine.

"I saw you tonight," I turned to Josh smiling.

"I love you," he kissed me gently and we floated away into our own bliss. This was where I wanted to be. There was where I felt safe. This was where I want to stay.

It's all over. I nearly cried writing this. I will miss all my fans but if you want I will start writing a sequel. I enjoyed this so much. Thank you all for following my story.

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