chapter 10

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Three hours later

“Shane um I wanted to see if it was okay if Josh came with the team to state?”  I asked as I walked into the living room after taking my shower and getting ready for bed.

“Well you know I’ll have to pull a lot of strings to get him out of classes for a week.”  I looked at him begging with my eyes.  “If I say yes I need something in return.”  He said rubbing the spot next to him.  I gulped and went to sit down.

“Shane please just let him go.  I really don’t want to do anything.”  He looked at me a little shocked but continued with his hands all over me and when he made it on top of me I saw something I dreaded.  In the window was Josh.  He looked so hurt and I could see a single tear sliding down his cheek.  “Shane get off!”  I yelled pushing past him and running outside. 

“Don’t stop on my account.”  He said nastily.  I started sobbing.

“Josh let me explain.  Please it wasn’t what it looked like.”  He laughed and walked over to me.  I nearly cowered away from him.

“Explain?  Explain that you have been f*cking your teacher?  God I should have listened to my friends.  They knew you were trouble the moment I told them about you.  But no, I had to check.  Make sure she was completely amazing first.  Make me fall in love with her in order to realize you are just like every other girl.”  I let the tears fall and didn’t even try to stop him.

“You love me?”  I asked, barely able to get those words out of my mouth.

“Yeah I did.  The first girl I’ve ever had true feelings for and she’s sleeping with her coach!  God Erin I hate you!  And just so you know, I was getting action on the side anyways!”  I felt my heart break in two and finally slapped him.

“You have no idea what you are talking about.  What happened between Shane and me?  That is all rape just so you know.  He molested me the night my mother died and every night since.  You want to know the reason he was trying to have his way with me tonight?  The real reason, not your made up fake stupid crap, I asked if you could go to state.  Yeah that’s why he was all over me, because I wanted you.  So thanks a lot a$$hole go call up that girl on the sidelines.  I’m sure she would love to hear you are single again.”  I walked inside the house leaving him stunned.

“Erin are you okay?”  Shane asked.

“Just fine.  Don’t worry about Josh coming.  We are over.  Oh and Shane if you ever touch me again I will have the cops over here faster than you can scream for that little whore you were with a couple of days ago.”  He stopped in his tracks and I walked to the bedroom to feel the full weight of a broken heart.

Josh’s POV

As I walked up the walk to get my jacket that I left I saw movement in the window.  I looked a little bit closer to see Shane on top of Erin.  I couldn’t see her face but she wasn’t pushing him off.  So I was right she was cheating on me with him.  Before I had time to hide she jumped off the couch realizing I was there and I heard the front door open.

“Don’t stop on my account,” I could feel the cool sting of a fresh tear on my cheek.  The hatred in my voice should of made the plants keel over.

“Josh let me explain.  Please it wasn’t what it looked like.”  The chuckle that arose in my throat surprised us both.

“Explain?  Explain that you have been f*cking your teacher?  God I should have listened to my friends.  They knew you were trouble the moment I told them about you.  But no, I had to check.  Make sure she was completely amazing first.  Make me fall in love with her in order to realize you are just like every other girl.”  I saw her stance freeze and I realized what I had said.  I love her.

“You love me?”  Her voice was so fragile and every other part of me wanted to run up to her and hold her precious body in my arms.

“Yeah I did.  The first girl I’ve ever had true feelings for and she’s sleeping with her coach!  God Erin I hate you!  And just so you know, I was getting action on the side anyways.”  Her face tore and I felt my own heart ache.   Never would I have even thought about cheating on this amazing girl in front of me.  But I just couldn’t let her see me this sad over her.  But then I felt the sting.  She slapped me.

“You have no idea what you are talking about.  What happened between Shane and me?  That is all rape just so you know.  He molested me the night my mother died and every night since.  You want to know the reason he was trying to have his way with me tonight?  The real reason, not your made up fake stupid crap, I asked if you could go to state.  Yeah that’s why he was all over me, because I wanted you.  So thanks a lot a$$hole go call up that girl on the sidelines.  I’m sure she would love to hear you are single again.”  I stood there stunned.  Molested?  Raped?  It seemed true.  She always got tense whenever Shane was around.  But could it really be true?  It was I could see it in her eyes and the way she walked back into the house. 

I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me without even hearing her out first.  I got in my car and drove as fast as I could to my house trying to see through the tears that were finding a way to leak through. 

As soon as I walked into my bedroom I grabbed my phone sending a quick text to her.

I am so sorry.  I am such an idiot.  I know you will never be able to forgive me but I love you I will forever.  Please talk to someone about what he does.  It’s not good for you.  I guess that is it.  I love you Erin. 

As I sent the text I laid my head down hoping for a reply that never came.  It was official, the best girl to ever walk the earth and I let her slip right through my fingers.

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