Chapter 20

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Summer vacation

After moving in with Josh and his parents my life seemed to be going great.  I even was given a scholarship to the school of my choice.  So of course I picked the school Josh was going to.  Isabella was having fun planning the wedding and Josh was enjoying being able to see me every night if you catch my drift.

"Hey Isabella can I ask you a question?"  I asked one day that she was taking me dress shopping.

"Sure go for it."  She answered putting the magazine away and looking at the dress I had on.

"Why did y'all take me in?"  I avoided eye contact with her.  But she surprised me by laughing.

"Erin, you are the best thing to ever happen to Josh.  I could tell that the minute he ran off to find you after y'alls break up.  He never showed interest in any girl before you.  We realized you had to be special.  Then we heard everything that happened with that awful man Shane and we knew we had to take you to be apart of the family.  Plus I came across the ring box."  I smiled at her answer and walked back into the dressing room trying on the last dress.  When I walked out and looked in the mirror we both knew this was the one.  It had a traditional feel to it, but at the same time it was sexy. 

"I love it!"  I yelled startling everyone in the store.

"How much is it?"  I turned and looked at the price tag.

"To much," she waved me off and looked at it herself.

"$400,556 isn't to bad.  Are you sure this is the one?"  I looked at her shocked.  That price was more money than I made in two years.  I nodded and she rushed me into the changing room.  As she rushed me we put in our order which quickly led to a nice big lunch with the whole family.

"So we found the dress."  I whispered to Josh as his parents looked over the menu.

"Oh really what does it look like?"  I opened my mouth to answer but was quickly glared at by Isabella.

"You'll have to wait and see."  She smiled turning her attention back to the menu.  "It was pretty pricey though.  I don't know how I'll ever be able to pay your parents back."

"Baby doll don't worry about it.  My mother has been wanting to plan a wedding since she found out she was pregnant with me.  This is like her dream come true.  Just let her live in it okay?"  I smiled and kissed him gently then excusing myself to the bathroom.  This place was so nice it even had a TV set up in there.  Which normally would have shocked me if it weren't for a all to familiar face on the screen.

"This man has just escaped from prison.  He was arrested for attempt of murder, sexual assault of a minor, and rape in the 3rd degree.  If you have any idea of his whereabouts contact your local police station immediately."  I froze staring at the screen.  Shane was gone.  He would be coming after me.  I knew it.  He would come to finish what he started.

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