Chapter 24

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I woke up the next morning feeling the pain of last night.  He told me I would get used to our nightly routine but I don't think I would ever be able to.  I felt horrible doing this to Josh.  He had my heart.  I missed him so much.  So far I had no clue if the man believed me or not but hopefully he would at least call. 

In 8 hours Josh and I would've been having our wedding shower.  Mostly it was for his parents and their friends to show us off.  Josh had lost contact with most of friends after the whole Amber situation and the only friends I had were the guys on the baseball team.  Which I hadn't heard from in awhile.  I was kind of shocked.  Austin always checked up on me after he found out what Shane had been doing to me.  But I hadn't seen him since I told him I was moving into Josh's for good.

"Oh look here you are up."  I sat up a little and looked at Shane.  "There is someone who wants to see you.  If it weren't for him I don't think I ever would've been able to find you."  I tried to keep the shock off my face.  Who would betray me like this?  As he stepped aside for the mysterious person walked past him.  Austin! 

"How?  Why would you do this?"  I asked trying not to let my anger show.  I knew if Shane saw that I was upset to be here he would find a way to kill Josh.

"Do you still not get it?  I loved you.  But you had to be with that prick Josh.  I even convinced his friends to get him to drink more than usual so he would run off with some other girl so I could have you.  But no that couldn't happen.  So I thought the only way to make him suffer is to have Shane take you away."  I tried to calm my breathing and looked at Shane.  I can't believe I was about to do this.  But Austin deserved it after what he did to me.

"Do you hear that Shane?  He wants me all to himself.  He doesn't want you to have me.  He wants me, in his bed, not yours."  Austin eyes grew wide as he realized what was going to happen.  He turned to Shane trying to speak but Shane already had a knife and rage in his eyes.  I adverted my eyes as he stabbed Austin repeatedly.  There if Josh were to be stupid to come and find me all he had to do was take on Shane.

"There don't you worry baby, he can't take you from me now."  I faked smiled at him and let his lips wonder down my neck as the lifeless body of Austin drained all of the blood. 

Three hours later

Shane left realizing he had to get rid of the body.  I sat still and I heard pounding on the front door.  I couldn't move.  He didn't want a chance that I would run away so he tied me down to the bed.  I was completely exposed for when he came back.

"ERIN!"  Josh's voice rang loud through the house.  I must be crazy.  I cried and then the door opened.  "I found her!"  I turned my head to Josh and cried of happiness.  He untied me and held me close.  "I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here.  I am so sorry."  He helped me up putting a robe around me.  As we walked out the door I heard the back door open.

"Erin I'm back!"  I cried more but the SWAT team ran in and I heard the cursing of Shane and they quickly brought him out.  He stared at me shocked.  "Don't worry love.  I'll be back.  Don't let him touch you alright.  Remember you are mine and no one else's.  I'll see you soon."  I turned my back from him and Josh held me close.

"It's okay baby doll.  He won't touch you ever again.  I won't let him."  I kissed him gently and I heard Shane's struggle.  Two of the SWAT agents were down and he came running at Josh.  I hid him behind my body and he had his arms around my neck.  But I heard the shots.  I felt them to.  He slid to the ground blood pouring out of the wounds.  I couldn't even celebrate because my shirt was soaking.  One of the bullets had went through him and went into me.  I held onto Josh trying not to fall to the ground.  I could feel the blood spilling from the side of mouth.

"Josh I am so sorry.  I love you."  I held on to me tight and I felt the life leave my body.

"Erin I love you so much.  Stay with me please!  Don't leave me."  I heard his crying as I floated off into the darkness.

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