Chapter 12

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Josh’s POV

As I drove down the street that led to the Shane’s house I saw Erin.  She was sitting on the steps with her head in her lap.  I parked the car, barely leaving any time before I jumped out and ran to her.  “Erin hey are you okay?”  I asked and I saw her tense.

“Josh just leave me alone.  You made up your decision just let me be.”  I heard her sob some more and I finally had enough.  I picked her fragile body up into my arms and into the unlocked house.  I walked slowly to her bedroom laying her on top of me as she cried.

“Erin I am so sorry.  I had no idea about the rumors.  I had no idea about Shane.  I’m so sorry.”  I cooed after her sobs.  She finally stopped and looked up at me.

“Did you really think I would cheat on you?”  Her question nearly broke my heart.  Did I really think she would cheat on me?

“Erin yes I did.”  I felt her start to move but I held her still.  “Let me finish.  I thought you would cheat on me because I am not good enough for you.  You deserve someone who can give you the world, not some scum bag like me.”  She smiled a little at that and I brushed the strand of hair away from her cheek.  “But the truth is, when I saw you with Shane, I didn’t want to believe it.  And it was because I was in love with you.  I love you Erin.  I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else.  I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true.  Erin, I know you don’t want me so I’ll let you live your life without me, but just for tonight let me make this right and make sure you are okay.”

“Josh my life is nothing without you.  Before I met you, I hid behind my baseball clothes, then the day I meet you I’m wearing skirts and things to show of my body.  You saved me from myself, and if I can’t have you I have nothing.  I love you Josh.”  And just like that my world was fixed.  My heart was no longer broken and I was no longer in mourned.  I dropped my lips to meet hers and felt the soft tender sweetness that was her.  She was everything I ever wanted in life and she had just decided to be mine.

Erin’s POV

I pulled up to Shane’s house and didn’t even make it in the front door.  I collapsed on the steps and cried.  I cried as hard as I could, well until I heard his voice.  “Erin hey are you okay?”  He followed me here.

“Josh just leave me alone.  You made up your decision just let me be.”  The thought of him in another girl’s arms killed me but I had to tell him I was okay with it.  But that didn’t stop him.  He carried me through the house and into the room I now called mine.  He lay down and I felt myself being lowered down to his chest.  I felt safe.

“Erin I am so sorry.  I had no idea about the rumors.  I had no idea about Shane.  I’m so sorry.”  He didn’t start the rumors?  Then he must still love me.  Or he hates me.

“Did you really think I would cheat on you?”  I felt my voice crack as I answered this and heard his intake of a deep breath.

“Erin yes I did.” Oh great.  I started to move but he held me close.  “Let me finish.  I thought you would cheat on me because I am not good enough for you.  You deserve someone who can give you the world, not some scum bag like me.”  I smiled a little.  Scum bag?  Him?  Never.  “But the truth is, when I saw you with Shane, I didn’t want to believe it.  And it was because I was in love with you.  I love you Erin.  I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else.  I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true.  Erin, I know you don’t want me so I’ll let you live your life without me, but just for tonight let me make this right and make sure you are okay.”  That’s when I felt the fresh tear slide down my cheek.

“Josh my life is nothing without you.  Before I met you, I hid behind my baseball clothes, then the day I meet you I’m wearing skirts and things to show of my body.  You saved me from myself, and if I can’t have you I have nothing.  I love you Josh.”  I said the words perfectly.  Like how I wanted to say them forever.  And I saw him move towards me.  His lips awaiting mine.  I met him and felt what I had every single time we kissed.  The electric shock that went through my body.  And most of all I felt like this was home.  He was where I wanted to be, and anywhere this man was I was going too. 

Except state.

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