chapter 22

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Shane's POV

I saw her walk outside and my god she was beautiful.  But she looked scared and worried.  Oh I hope nothing has her upset.  She is mine.  She loves me.  I know she loves me.  I saw her shopping for wedding dresses for me.  She wants to be with me.  Maybe she's worried cause she needs to tell that prick Josh.  I started to walk out of the bushes I was hiding in but stopped when Josh walked outside.

"Wow.  You look really beautiful right now."  That a$$hole.  Making a pass at my girl.  How dare he?  And she was just smiling at him.  It's okay though, she was to sweet to be mean to him.  She probably didn't want to break his heart yet.  I'll let this one slide.

"What are you doing out here?"  Good girl.  I knew she didn't want him.  And how she froze whenever he spoke.  She was hoping it was me.  I just know it.

"Are you okay?"  Yes she's okay!  She's about to get back with me and away from you!

"Yeah I'm fine.  I just think I'm going to walk home.  It's not that far away and the air will warm me off."  He looked a little worried.  That prick!  Like I was going to let anything happen to her.

"Okay I'll go get your purse."  When he walked back inside I couldn't stand it.  I grabbed my cell phone sending the quick message that would make her happy. 

I see you.

I saw her jump at her phone and held back my chuckle.  They I saw her tense when she read the text.  Then she was off.  She was going to get all dolled up for me.  But no I thought she was beautiful  just the way she is.  So after her I went taking the short route so I beat her there by a good ten minutes.  I knew she would have to be drugged so she wouldn't try to jump my bones the minute she realized it was me so I tore off a piece of cloth from my shirt and drenched it in liquid.

When she got to the door she hesitated so I sent another text that would make her even happier.

Don't look behind you.

And as soon as I knew she saw it I put the cloth around her mouth and nose and felt her give up fighting.  She knew it was me and she didn't want to hurt me.  When she was asleep I picked her up bridal style leaving both our cell phones on the porch.  There was no need for them now.  I walked her to the car I had parked a few houses down and slid her in the back so she could sleep.  It would be awhile before she woke up and I wasn't looking forward to her thinking I was still Josh.  She needed to be able to touch me the way she always wanted to. 

I couldn't wait till  she woke up though.  I would get to kiss those soft lips and have her once again.

Okay so there is the first Shane POV chapter.  For the rest of the book there will be some more with him in there.  I hope you all keep reading and don't hate me after this.

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