Chapte 9

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Three days later

“So you leave in a few days?”Josh asked as I got into his car after practice.

“Yes sir.You are welcomed to come.We will be gone for like a week; you would have talk to Shane of course.But I bet all the guys would like to see a new face too.”He smiled and took my hand.

“Is that what you want?”I looked at him.So far since we got together I loved spending time with him but did I really want the chance of him seeing me in my most stressed out state.

“Yes Josh.I would love to spend a week away with you.”He smiled and brought my hand to his soft lips.As we drove the rest of the way to Shane’s house I thought about what it would be like to be away with Josh.

“Babe, you okay?”I turned my attention to him smiling.

“Yeah just was thinking.Sorry.Do you really want to come to the tournament?”He nodded and leaned over, kissing me gently.When he pulled away my head was spinning.

“Let’s go in and get some dinner before Shane gets back and kicks me out.”I nodded this time and jumped out of the car.Ever since I told Shane Josh and I were together he gave him time limits to be here.Of course after that he would try his hardest to have his way with me but I fought back now and most of the time I won.

When we got inside food was the last thing on our minds as we started our usual hot make out session.I know we are moving pretty fast since it’s only the second day but one kiss just doesn’t seem to satisfy our needs.It’s kind of weird, I know.

“Erin!”I groaned at the sound of Shane’s voice and reluctantly pulled away from Josh.When I turned to Shane he was glaring at Josh.

“Sorry Shane.”As I got up I smiled at Josh, “help me with dinner?”He nodded which led to a small tap on my butt as I walked by.I blushed and walked into the kitchen hearing Josh’s footsteps behind me.

“Shane is really starting to get possessive of you.”Josh said wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Yeah he is.I’m sorry about him.Still sure you want to be with me?”I heard his chuckle and I felt a million times better.

“You can’t get rid of me that fast.”I smiled to myself.He loved me?This was love wasn’t it?No it wasn’t.I was just a charity case to him.

Josh’s POV

“Erin!”Really Shane!What happened to that bro code thing where if the guy is making out with the chick you don’t bother him.But she pulled away and I shot him a look that should kill.Yet I noticed he was doing the same.His face was full of jealousy.He couldn’t be jealous of Erin and I could he?No it wasn’t possible.He was her teacher, that would just be wrong.

“Help me with dinner?”Erin said to me.I smiled and nodded tapping her butt as she walked by.Which led to another glare from Shane.When we made it to the kitchen I wrapped my arms protectively around her.How could one girl fit me so perfectly?

“Shane is really starting to get possessive of you.”That’s when I felt it.She tensed up.So there is something I don’t know about.

“Yeah he is.I’m sorry about him.You sure you want to be with me?”That’s when I finally laughed.She really thought I wasn’t sure about being with her.I loved her more than life itself, but I could never tell her that.She wasn’t ready for that.

“You can’t get rid of me that fast.”I could feel her relax and I let all my worries of her cheating on me disappear.She would never hurt me like that.It was probably nothing.God this girl is going to be the death of me, I can feel it.How could someone so beautiful be so confusing at the same time?

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