Chapter 4

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When I made it home I couldn't stand anymore.  I fell down and cried.  "Erin are you home?"

"Yeah... yeah mom I'm home."  I tried to calm myself and walked to her room smiling.  "Hey mom I brought you your medicine."  I walked over to her bed and she looked at me.

"Erin what's wrong?"  I shook my head and took her hand.

"Nothing mom don't worry about it.  Now lets get you cleaned up and some food into you.  What are you hungry for tonight?"  She looked at me sadly but I smiled.

"I already ate dear, how about you go shopping there's still an hour before the stores close."  I almost cried then.  Here she is with cancer so bad she could hardly even move and she wanted me to go shopping.

"Mom I'm fine.  What did you eat?  You know you're not supposed to be out of bed."  I helped her sit up and grabbed the wash rag out of the bowl of water, washing her arms off.

"I had a cracker a minute ago."  I sighed and continued to wash her off.

"I'll make you a sandwich.  But I have work tonight so I'm going to be gone all night.  I want you to take your medicine at 9 and then call me at 10 so I know everything is okay." 



"Hey Emily can I have my break a little early my mom still hasn't called me and I'm getting kind of worried."  I asked my boss.  She knew the reason I was working.  Hell she could of gotten fired because of me.  When I came to her three years ago she reluctantly hired me.

"Go ahead Erin but be sure to be back by midnight."  I nodded and walked out to my car.  Please be okay.  I begged.  As I sped off towards my house I could see her light was still on.  I ran up to her room and saw her on the ground.

"MOM!"  I ran to her picking her up only to find her eyes glazed over.  Her body was stiff and cold.  She was gone!  I laid there for twenty minutes crying.  Why?  Out of all nights why did she have to leave me tonight?  "Mom come back please," my tears hit her cheek and I nearly passed out.

Soon after that I was able to call the police and they sent someone over to get her and I called work.  This night couldn't get worse.  I had lost my mother and been molested.   I don't know what I ever did to karma but she hated me now.

James can you come over?

I asked through text after the police had left.  I didn't want to be alone right now.

Cant babe.  Sorry.  Why don't you call Josh?  I'm sure he'll want to come over.  Here's his number  432-210-2994.

I cried harder and threw my phone down.  I had no one.  I wasn't about to call the guy who I barely knew to come over and stay with me.  For once I was all alone, baseball meant nothing anymore if I couldn't even have my own mother.  She was the reason I started playing.  My dad died when I was four and after that mom signed me up and then she got really sick and I kept playing.

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