chapter 11

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That morning I woke up still feeling horrible and one look in the mirror told me I looked it to.  “Erin are you almost ready?”  I heard Shane’s voice beam in through the door.

“Shane I don’t feel good today so I’m not going to school today.”  I examined my red blotchy eyes and the bags under my eyes.

“Erin you can’t stay in your room moping all day.  You are going to school no matter what we have two days before we leave for state and you need to practice.”  I sighed and pulled on some sweats and a loose fitting tee shirt, pulling my hair into a messy bun.  I literally looked like trash.

And that’s what everyone else thought the moment I stepped through the doors.  I was use to people staring at me but not this much.  It was actually kind of weird.  As soon as I would pass a group of people the whispers would start.

Well that was until the gasping.  I wasn’t really paying much attentions until then.  That’s when I walked right into a wall of flesh who I automatically knew was Josh.  Maybe it was his smell, husky.  But I sure knew it was him.  “We need to talk,” he whispered and I side stepped him, walking into my first period class.

As I sat down I could hear the whispers and so could Shane but he would never say anything for them to stop.  To him this was probably pay back for me threatening him.  Just as I was about to tune out for good a tiny note flew on my desk.

So Josh’s buddies told us what happened.  How much do I have to pay to get a lap dance? 

I stared at the note in disbelief.  I scribbled a few question marks throwing it back to the jock.  When it landed on my desk again Shane saw it this time, and being him he had to make my life hell. 

“Well, well, well what do we have here?  Would you mind if I read this to the whole class?”  I shrugged knowing he was going to read it either way.  “So Josh’s buddies told us what happened.  How much do I have to pay to get a lap dance?  Random question marks.  You know what I’m talking about.  You being a whore and all.  I bet you sleep with people for drugs huh?”  Shane stopped reading and looked around for the writer of this note.  When he found none his gaze landed on me.

“Coach can we just get back to today’s lesson?”  I asked trying to keep my eyes down.  What seemed like forever he finally went back up to his desk and sat down.

“Just do whatever you want.  We will pick up where we left off tomorrow.”  The whispers continued and finally the bell rang and I ran out.  I couldn’t handle this anymore I needed out.  I ran to the door trying to steady myself.

“Whoa there.  Are you okay?”  I  turned to see Josh standing there looking like hell as well.

“Well I don’t know.  There is a rumor going around that I sleep with guys for money and drugs that you and your friends apparently made.  Thanks Josh thanks a lot.”  I walked out the door and to my car.  How could he be so cruel?  What did I do to him?

Josh’s POV

After hearing that I marched to the class that I knew my buddies were taking and walked right up to the main one grabbing his shirt.  “You told everyone that Erin is a whore!?”  His face was shocked, as if I wouldn’t of found out it was him.

“Will you get out of my classroom?”  The lady up front questioned but I was to mad.

“Dude I did it for you.  You were so down I figured hearing something true about  that waste of space girl would make  you happy.”  I had had enough.  I felt my arm rise up and I saw his fear.  He knew what was going to happen.  I heard the crunch of his nose and the screams of the elderly teacher.

“That ‘waste of space girl’ you talk about happens to be the best thing alive.  You hurt her I want you to stop the rumors ASAP!”  I walked out of the classroom and out the front doors.  Time to find the women I loved.

Girl on the FieldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora