A Realization

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[edited: 9/6/18]
[format: DD/MM/YY]

Touka found herself in a place full of flowers.

The only thing that filled her vision, were flowers. Hundreds, maybe thousands of them.

Touka slowly straightened her sitting up posture and took another look around the place she had woken up in. The flowers were white roses, decorating and flooding the landscape.

Touka let out a small breath, before clearing her throat and getting to her feet. She wondered if she was alone. So she decided to call out and wait if anyone replied.

Unsurprisingly, nobody answered.

"Huh.." She sat back down and felt the silky petals underneath her. Their sensation made her smile with satisfaction.


Jumping at the voice, she looked around in alarm.

The voice sounded familiar.
Too familiar.

She just couldn't pin-point it.

"What.." Touka didn't see anything, just flowers.

"I'm over here."

She spun her head around and faced nothing. Blinking, Touka looked to the right and saw nothing.

"Who are you?" Touka got up in a hurry and felt fear bubble up.

"Why are you scared?"

"Wait..." Touka stopped, suddenly recognizing that voice.

Not him...

Touka clutched her hair and fell down to the floor.

"You're just a voice...you're just his voice..."

Touka shut her eyes, desperately wanting to get out of this place, she wanted to leave.

She hated hearing his voice now.

Especially because every time she did hear that voice, regret and guilt were quick to fill her.

"Who told you it was just my voice?" Touka felt someone caress her head, opening her eyes immediately she slowly raised her head and saw who it was.

Meeting the gaze of those grey eyes she could look at forever, she felt her heart skip a beat.

A warm smile adorned his face, adding onto his gorgeous features.

His hair wasn't silky white, but instead it was ebony-black hair.

"Kaneki.." Touka said breathlessly. Not quite believing her eyes.

She reached for his face with a quivering hand, but something stopped her and brought her hand back to the side.

Kaneki gazed at her with warm eyes and took her hand.

Touka winced at his touch, looked down and started shivering.

She bit her lip as she felt his hand intertwining with hers. The feeling was so wonderful, she could feel it forever.

Touka flinched as his slowly brought his hand up to his cheek, placing it on his soft skin. Touka shock grew and so did Kaneki's smile.

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