The Beginning

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"Where the hell did she go?"

Touka hid behind a trash can and stayed as silent as she could. She was so close to Kaneki now, she could tell because this was the area he was in when she saw him. She took her mask off, took a deep shaky breath and panted. She was exhausted. This is taking me too long.. By now she expected herself to be nowhere near the doves, and also expected herself to kill most of them. She's only killed one by far. And they've managed to hit her..

Four times.

Just a few minutes before she found this hiding place, Touka had been shot again by a dove. Now that she remembered about that, Touka checked her arm. The wound was still healing. She then moved down to her waist and raised her t-shirt slightly to see the bullet wound still healing as well. Both recent wounds hurt. Not like she couldn't tolerate them, but they hurt. Sighing she pressed her head against the bin. I thought I would be there by now.. This was harder than she had thought it would be. After about half an hour, she finally reached the place she had seen Kaneki. But with company obviously, because she was chased all the way here. He might not be there anymore, and she has to find him again and run away from the doves. Crap. She didn't want to do that shit again. You better still fucking be there, Ken Kaneki!

Touka peeked out the side to check if there was anyone there, soon widening her eyes and hiding behind the garbage can again once she heard footsteps coming and passing. I have to move! Touka grit her teeth, took a deep breath and stood up. Her kagune shot out of her back and she leaped up onto the roof. "Where the fuck is he?!" She hissed as she shrunk her kagune back. She then heard footsteps coming towards her. Hoping it was Kaneki, she turned around. But then frowned once she realized it wasn't him. Not even close.

"There she is!"

"Fucking hell!" She growled and faced her attackers with angry eyes. She noticed that there were three of them. The smallest amount of CCG agents she's seen. Excluding the one she has killed. I can deal with them. She told herself as the doves got closer. I haven't fought back for quite a while. It's going to be bliss once I finally do. She closed her eyes and smiled at the thought of beating their puny asses. But she knew that she had to be careful. Don't become reckless Touka. You'll die if you do. And what would Kaneki do if you die?

So that's why.. I'm going to plan this out better.

You are not getting in my way to Kaneki! Touka opened her eyes and ran towards them. The doves gained speed too, bringing out bigger guns than the ones she's seen before. Narrowing her eyes, Touka's kagune bursted out of her back and she leaped into the air. Just in time as bullets shot for her. She landed back down, shrunk her kagune back, turned to the shocked dove behind her and swept her leg underneath him. The man lost balance and let out a yell as he fell to the ground. Touka shot two crystal darts at his eyes, blinding him and making him scream in agony. Ignoring his screams, Touka snapped her head up and covered her face with her hardened kagune right on time when the dove started shooting. As she was protecting herself, Touka heard a shout from the dove behind her and then felt something pierce her shoulder. She opened her mouth as she let out a short silent yell, before growling. Oh well shit, I forgot about you. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed the blinded dove's gun from him and reloaded it. Before the dove in front of her could start shooting at her again, Touka whipped around with the fallen dove's gun and shot at the dove in front of her while her kagune hardened quickly and covered her from the bullets the one behind her was firing. Once her opponent in front of her was down, Touka dropped the empty gun and jumped into the air with a flap of her normal fiery wings. She looked down at the dove who started shooting at her and dodged as many bullets as she could. Still getting hit by some, Touka let out a frustrated yell and hardened her kagune once more. Bringing it down and slamming it on the remaining dove. Killing him instantly.

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