The Lost Friend (pt. 2)

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"Let him be okay, let him be okay-"

Kaneki repeated that phrase over and over again as he ran to find his lost best friend. At this point, he did not care if any dove got in his way, he wouldn't treat them as anything else but an obstacle.

He had to get to Hide.

The trail of papers was diminishing with every step Kaneki took, setting in fear and panic in him. What if he never finds him? What if Hide is gone?

As the lights of the helicopters passed over him, Kaneki hid himself from the doves by hiding underneath the shattered roofs of the buildings.

Even then he still continued running through the broken city. Not really caring where he was, the only thing he cared about was Hide.

Once Kaneki came out of the building, he heard yells from doves.

"Damn it." Kaneki snarled underneath his breath. Furious at the fact that they're getting in his way to Hide.

He whipped around to face the direction on where the yells came from, and his eyes were replaced with his ghoul ones.

He was about to bring out his kagune, but he didn't, once he noticed something.

The trail of papers had disappeared.

Kaneki felt his breath leave him as the only trail which led him to Hide was out of his reach.

"No—" Kaneki whispered, but then jumped as he heard the sound of gunshots and more yelling coming from the doves.

He didn't look at the direction where it came from though, instead he tried his best to study the trail of papers. And it was good that he did.

Kaneki approached the end of the trail, and stopped right when he managed to see something.

A strong breeze blew, blowing away all the papers that led him here.

But Kaneki stood in place as he stared at that specific crimson smear on the floor.

It was obvious it was blood.
He just didn't know who's.

Kaneki quickly crouched down and swiped his finger on the blood. Realizing that it was fresh, Kaneki brought it up to his nose and took a small sniff of it.

Human blood.

Kaneki ignored the immediate hunger he got once he smelled the metallic-scent of the blood. He had to control himself.

"Is this-"
"Is this blood, Hide's?"

Kaneki's thoughts were interrupted as a loud bang was heard behind him. He whipped around and managed to see doves throw a bomb at another building, accompanied by more yelling and orders.

What Kaneki did manage to hear though, was a dove scream, "Where's the Eye-patch?!"

They were looking for him.

Kaneki let out a shaky breath.

So they were looking for him.

He would be killed if he was found. And if he had brought Touka with him.

She would've been killed.

Kaneki closed his eyes in absolute terror as a picture of Touka laying on the ground, with a puddle of blood forming beneath her, flashed in his head.

Her beautiful dark midnight blue eyes, now emotionless.
Her once silky hair, now covered in her own blood.

Her unconscious body laying right there in front of him. Losing its color.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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