A Distraction

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"So when did you guys even confess?"

Itori asked that question as she swirled her cup slowly. "Um.." Touka blinked at Itori. Then looked at Kaneki who was drinking his last few drops. He looked happy, satisfied. Which she was as well. They had joked around, laughed, told stories. Touka couldn't get her smile off her face, she really couldn't. "A few months ago." She moved her gaze back to the red haired woman and replied to her question. "Whaaaaaaaa-" Itori pouted. "I didn't know about it...?" Touka chuckled softly, and shrugged. "Sorry." Itori rolled her orange-red eyes and smiled warmly. "Oh, but I'm happy you guys are together." Sure. We both are too, it's just the fact that he can't stay for as long. Touka's smile faded out, but then returned once she heard a loud 'pop' and a yelp from Kaneki. Touka turned around, and snickered slightly at seeing what happened to him. Itori shaped her mouth as an 'o' once she saw what happened to him.

"Oh crap.." Kaneki closed his left eye as he slowly took out his soaked eye-patch. Which was once white, but now as red as the blood itself. "What happened?" Touka chuckled. "I don't know. I just wanted to get a bit more and-" Itori snorted, almost knocking her cup over as Kaneki explained. "You could've told me." The red haired woman smirked. "Sorry." Kaneki chuckled nervously as he scratched his head. Placing the bottle away from him as he wiped the table. "Nah. It's okay." Itori smiled as she waved dismissively. Touka then looked at him. He was still keeping his left eye closed as he wiped his other eye with another napkin. "Is your eye okay?" Touka asked, getting closer to him and making him open his eye. "Yeah, it's fine.." Kaneki told her. Looking away. "You don't have to hide your eye from me, Ken Kaneki." Touka frowned. Kaneki, took a deep breath and opened his left eye, albeit reluctantly. His usual grey eye was a red pupil surrounded by darkness. "Aw, how cute. You're still insecure?" Itori teased him, sticking her tongue out slightly. Touka shot her an irritated glare. "N-No." Kaneki turned red slightly. It was obvious he was still hesitant to showing his ghoul eye like that. Though Touka chuckled as quietly as she could. That was just cute. It reminded her of the first time he came. Touka then blinked, realizing that they had stayed over at Itori's for quite a long time. She pursed her lips as she thought about what to do next.

"Do you need another napkin?" Itori asked Kaneki. "N-No-" His sentence was cut short by a hiccup. He covered his mouth as he turned even redder in embarrassment. Itori exploded into laughter as Kaneki glared at her. Keeping his hiccups quiet now. Touka chuckled softly and looked down. Tapping her cup with her fingers. Her eyes lit up as she made her decision. "Hey, do you want some more?" Itori offered. Picking up a bottle in front of her and shaking it slightly in front of Kaneki. Before Kaneki could open his mouth to say anything, Touka shook her head. "No, we would love to. But we better get going." Ignoring a small 'but' from Kaneki. "Aw. I guess I've kept you in here for too long haven't I?" She chuckled nervously, scratching her head. "No, we had a good time. Right?" Touka looked at Kaneki. He nodded quickly, still covering his mouth as he prevented himself from hiccuping out loud. Itori grinned. "Come back anytime, ya got it?" She winked. Touka chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Of course we will." Wrapping her hand around Kaneki's wrist and pulling him to the door. "Bye!" Itori waved cheerfully as Touka shut the door behind them. "Well, that took longer than expected." Touka brushed off a bit of dust off her dress. Looking at Kaneki, and then stiffening once she realized he didn't have his eye-patch on. "Wait!" She hissed. Smacking her hand over his left eye, making him let out an 'ow' which was then followed by a hiccup.

"Come on. Turn it back!" Touka demanded. "S-Sorry." Kaneki mumbled. He closed his right eye as he put effort on turning his ghoul eye back. What's so hard about reverting your eye? Touka gave him a frown of impatience. "Is it really that hard?" She asked him with a brow raised. "Kinda-" He then flashed her a smirk, before pressing his lips against hers. She didn't have time to react, before he separated and smiled at her. "What." Touka mumbled. Kaneki then opened his left eye. It was back to his normal grey one now. "There we go. It worked." He chuckled lightly. A hiccup following right after. Touka crossed her arms, she obviously knew he could've turned it back without kissing her. But the thought of him doing that just made her smile warmly. "You could've turned it back without doing that." Touka rolled her eyes. "I know. But it feels better that way." He told her softly. Touka chuckled lightly at that, she felt her cheeks go warm and then blinked. "Let's go then." She jerked her head to face forward and started walking. "O-hic-kay." He nodded, a hiccup interrupting his sentence. Following closely behind Touka. "Wow, did you drink too fast?" She sneered. "Very-hic-funny." His tone was serious, but Touka couldn't take him seriously with him hiccuping halfway through his sentences.

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