{1} Stars at camp

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I hear the door of a car close, in my head I'm thinking who it could be and then it hits me.

As I call the other consoler's over, I see our celebrity for this years summer art camp walk up to where we are standing.

Now you may be wondering why a celebrity is coming to our small camp, well let me enlighten you. Our camp might be small and not many know about it, but, every year we have a star show up to be with the kids and have fun, but each and every kid gets to learn something new as well.

It's usually very difficult to get a hold of stars and their managers, but Mr. Holte our boss and the man who owns 'Star Camp', always found a way to contact them. He always told us he was friends with a lot of their managers, which we thought was pretty cool.

We walked up to the car that was pulled up to a stop in front of us. After a few seconds of standing there the door started to open and as he came out to say 'hi' to all of us, we all scream out,

" WELCOME TO SUMMER STAR CAMP!!!" at the top of our lungs. I know, embarrassing, but we have to say that every time a new celebrity visits the camp. It sort of became a tradition as we like to call it. I wasn't the head consoler or anything but I decided to be the first to speak up.

"Hi welcome to this years summer Star Camp!" I say with a cheerful smile acting as polite as possible.

"Thanks for inviting me to be this years guest," he says then looks around the camp with a frown. Okay that was a little rude, I thought. You don't just come here and judge a place. I frowned too. 

"What a nice camp place you got here." he continued turning around smiling.

"Thanks.....I'm Jamie by the way, I hope this year you'll have a blast here at Star Camp with the kids." I say forcing a smile. He's our guest so I have to be nice, even though I want to smack him hard in the head.

"I'm super excited, just one question?" He said confusion now evident on his face.

"Yea what's that?" I say still smiling. I mentally rolled my eyes. Didn't he read the booklet that we sent to him at all??

"Where are the kids exactly?" Cue another mental eye roll.

"Oh there don't get here till 9:00, so we have 45 mins." Lisa, another one of the staff said with a nervous laugh and a small smile. My brain was seriously hurting due to his obnoxious questions.

He just looked at Lisa and smiled at her and nodded his head understanding.

Then Grace one of the other consoler's and also one of my best friend, broke in.

"Enough of the chitchattering, Jamie why don't you show our guest around the camp" she said. I really didn't want to be around him let alone talk to him and show him around. He was rude and mean. But I had no choice.

"I guess, come on, I'll show you around." I said with a sigh. Don't get me wrong this was usually my favourite thing to do, showing the celebrity around, but this one was dreadful as I wasn't a fan of him, like, at all.


"This is the gym where kids can run around and play basketball." I showed him lazily. We then walked to the last place that I had to show him.

"And last but not least you're cabin, now remember the girls cabins are on the other side of the camp.We don't want the girls and boys sleeping in the same cabin, cause you know boys need there privacy and so do the girls. But I guess you already knew that." I inform him, giving a shy smile. He laughed. What! I have to be nice!

"Thanks for the tour, I really appreciate it." He smiled again. I forced another smile.

"Hey, no problem but listen if there's anything just knock on one of our doors or call me ill be around until the 2nd." Shoot! Why did I just say that! I mentally face palm myself. I don't want him talking or associating with me at all.

"K, See you in ten?" I checked my watch to see it was already 8:50. Crap I need to go change.

"Yup, I guess, see you in ten."


"Bye" I say walking out the door.

Heyyyy cuties!!!

This is the edited version of chapter one. It's still a bit short but I will try and add some more to the other chapters to make them longer. I will also try and add some extra chapters.

I hope you liked it!! Chapter 2 will be on its way soon!

I hope you liked it!! Chapter 2 will be on its way soon!

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Vanessa Hudgens as Jamie Parks

Fran and Ella

Hearts and crafts {under major editing}Where stories live. Discover now