Chapter 19: But the closest I find to perfect is you!

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Jamie's P.O.V

"Justin" I get up and try to hug him. He backs away and pushes my arms off him.

"What are you doing. You hate me. I'm horrible. Sorry I have to go." He says scratching the back of his head.

"No wait! Justin....I remember. I remember it all. The call, the fall. Ha that ryhmed! Anyway I remember the hospital.Everything. I remember."

"Sorry its just too late you where right."

"And what was I right about!?" I asked shouted.

"Everything! You were right about everything okay! I can't take it anymore, you confuse me so much! Here I thought 'oh this might be the right girl for me, she's calm, quiet and cute' but nope I guess I was wrong, all girls are the same and I shouldn't have taken a chance. I'm leaving and I never want to see your face again!" He all but yelled. Tears pricked my eyes as he said those words. They really hurt me and I didn't know he felt like that. I didn't mean to hurt him. I wish I hadn't hit my head, I wish I hadn't lost my memory, I wish I hadn't been so oblivious to what was going on, I just wish everything was back to normal!!!

He must of saw the hurt look on my face because his face soften.

"Look I didn't mean to hurt you or anything I just-" I quickly cut him off.

"You know what just get away from me! I don't care anymore I just want you to leave me alone!" I yelled at him as a tear slipped down my cheek. I didn't care anymore if he didn't want me in his life, I don't care he can go.

I quickly turned around and ran back to my cabin. Suitcase long forgotten and same with the flight back home. As I looked back one last time I saw the door of the cab shut close with a loud bang. I guess that was it! That was the end of Jamie and Justin's epic adventure! I turned around and walked over to my bed after closing the door. I flopped on my bed and started crying until I couldn't anymore!!


[1 hours later]

Grace barged into my cabin an hour later with a frown evident on her face. She stopped right at the side of my bed and if it was even possible her frown grew more. I looked up at her and asked..

"What's up??" She sat down on my bed and sighed.

"Jamie what are you doing?" She finally said.

"What do you mean??" I asked now completely confuse. Seeing my confuse expression Grace sighed again and looked at me.

"Why did you let him go? The way you guys looked at each other and the way you guys acted around each other it's pretty obvious you like each other!" She exclaimed. I was still so confused!

"What are you talking about!"

"I'm talking about you and Justin!! Why did you let him go??" She asked.

"I guess it wasn't meant to be or else he'd still be here. I tried to stop him but I gave up. I couldn't do it anymore. He was obviously mad at me so I just let him go." I say sadly.

"Jamie just because he's mad doesn't mean there isn't some way that you can get him back. There has to be some way at least. Right?"

"No there's not! And even if there was its too late, I can't do anything!" I told her as my voice started to rise. "What can I do?" I say my voice faltering.

"What time is his flight???" She said after a moment.

"2:30, why?" I asked as I looked at her now.

"Because you're going to get up off your lazy butt and go to the airport and tell him how you really feel and there's no way you're getting out of this." She said in one big breath. I heaved a sigh and got up.

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