Chapter 9: Story time Broken cars and Rainy Days {part 1}

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About 20 minutes later he started to slow down. After that interesting conversation about where we were heading to and surprises, the car ride was quiet but comfortable.

"We're here!" He finally said.

I looked around to see that we were at a small lake/beach place. This is pretty cute if it wasn't abandoned and dark.

"Um why are we here?" I asked nervously.

"I planned something that you'd probably like."

I just stared out the window scared out of my mind because we were alone in the night and I'm with some kid I don't even know. He could rape me or hurt me or worse kill me. Good bye mom, dad, family, friend and world!

"Come on" he said getting out of the car. I just stayed there freaking out inside. I didn't even notice I was shaking. Justin could tell I was scared. He came to my side of the car and opened the door, he grabbed my hand, but I flinched away.

"Come on, don't be scared you're safe with me."

Lets just say I'm a little bit, make that a lot scared of people kidnapping me, but to make things worse we were in the dark. And to make it even more worse something happened last time I was alone in the dark. I don't like to talk about it. I just shook my head at him and said.

"No." in a weak voice trying to fight back tears. Just one memory of that night makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry.

"Jamie it's okay I'm here I won't let anything bad happen to you." he grabbed my hand again and rubbed his thumb up and down it.

"Promise?" I say looking down at my knees.

He touches my chin and lifts it up so I can look up at him.

"I cross my heart"

"O-okay" I say getting out of the car tightening my grip on his hand. Why the heck am'I acting like this all of a sudden.

"Do you want to talk about it." he says.

"Umm.....n-not right n-now" I say as a tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

"Hey" he says stopping me and turning me around. He cupped my face with his hands and wiped another tear that had escape with his thumb.

"Don't cry" he said looking in my eyes.

"I I-I'm sorry" I say closing my eyes letting a few more tears escape. He let go of my face and have me a warm hug, so I hugged him back as hard as I could when I heard him say.

"There's nothing to be afraid about."

I looked up to see his face inches from mine. I swear he was leaning in to kiss me!

"Um.. I'm sorry I wrecked your little dinner thing" I say getting out of his embrace. Not wanting to be touched any more I took a step back.

"Hey no worries, but umm Jamie?"


"Why are you scared of me?"

"I-I'm not, its just.... I'm not scared of you, well maybe a little but that's only because I don't remember you, but it's not you... I just have a.. no it's stupid... just forget about it... it's really rea-"


"Yea?" I say looking up at him.

"Your rambling"

"Oh SHOOT sorry"I say running a hand down my face in frustration.

"Its okay," he says chuckling "But what do you have, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I say wiping my face again.

"Come on Jamie, you can tell me." He says in a concern and pleading tone.

"Promise you won't laugh."

"Promise" he says with a smile.

"FINE! I-I'm afraid of being kidnapped"

"Really? Is that it?" he says trying to hold back a laugh.

"It's not funny" I say slapping his arm.

"I'm not laughing, but why? There's nothing that ever happen to you before....Right?" He now asked. My breath was caught in my throat as those words left his mouth.

I stayed quiet not wanting to explain that night.

"Jamie?" Quiet.

"Jamie is there more to this story?" I stayed silent and just nodded as a traitor tear rolled down my cheek.

"What happened?" I took a deep breath and began telling him the story.

"I-I was out with a guy and we went for a walk to this old park, I didn't know where. He then told me he was gonna go and get ice cream for the both of us. He told me he knew this cute little ice cream shop not to far from the park. He had asked me if I wanted to come but I told him I'd stay there at the park on the swing. I then told him what I wanted and he left to go get the ice cream. I was alone in the dark sitting on a swing. Now the dark doesn't scare me  but t-then...." I trailed off as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Some guy snuck up behind me hit me in the head with some bat and then put a-a bag over my head, I was screaming and crying so loud. As he carried me I heard someone's footsteps get closer to us. I heard that person punching the guy who had me and I dropped to the ground," More tears started to roll down my cheek now.

"When I took off the bag the guy that had me was on the ground unconscious with a bloody nose and the guys I was out with was there. At that point I was bawling my eyes out. Since that day I've been afraid of going out in the dark alone especially in a place were I don't know where I'am. See I told you, I'm not scared of you, I'm just scared of that horrible past." At this point tears were flowing out. I looked up to see Justin looking at me with red eyes.

"Justin don-" I start but get cut off by him.

"Jamie, I'm fine don't worry I just get emotional sometimes"

"Really?" I say trying to hide my giggle.

"Umm.... what... I mean no, I'm not crying, I just got something in my eye." He says wiping his eye.

"There got it out."

"Okay, what ever you say" I say laughing a weak laugh.

"You know you look beautiful when you smile, I can't stand to see you cry."

As soon as he said that I blushed so hard I just hope he didn't catch it.


Sorry guys I didn't update a lot, I have a lot of school work and I've been sick for a couple of days.

Also I kept having to rewrite this chapter cuz it kept getting deleted.

I hope you guys liked this chapter ill try to update soon.

The next chapter is short but funny and so is chapter 11 but chapter 11 is good.

Fran and Ella

Hearts and crafts {under major editing}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora