Chapter 13: Pump up the party while sick as a dog!

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Before I left to meet Grace, I checked my phone one last and saw that she had texted me back.

'Put on something nice' -Gracy


I put on a nice but not to dressy black sparkly dress. I pulled my long brown hair into a perfect bun, some black flats in exchange to my runners and natural makeup. What I want to look nice and plus Grace left a few dresses from when she came earlier to get me ready for the suppose 'date'.

As I get close to the forest I see Grace at the start of the trail.

"Nice! Glad you listened and put on some good clothes." I look down at her gold shimmery dress, gold high heels and some sparkly gems in her fancy woven type bun. Jokes on her this is her dress. But I know she doesn't mind.

"Oh La La, is there Niall in the bushes?" Oh did I mention Grace is obsessed with Niall Horan from 1D. Me? Well I'm more of a Louis type of girl.

"You look gorgeous," she replied

"But not as gorgeous as you." I said smiling.

"Ugh Shuddup you're making me blush" I chuckled at her as she tried to hide her pink cheeks.

"Did you hear what happened?" I asked Grace.

"No," She frowned. "What happened?"

"It was one of your campers. The kidnap, ring a bell?" I say to her. Now I know that the incident had happened not to long ago, but come on Grace is the one who always hears about gossip and such first.

"Oh yea! I did hear. Oh my god Jamie I swear to you I checked my girls cabin before I headed to mine. They were all there and I seriously have no clue what happened. I didn't mean for this to happen Jamie I swear." She rambled on as a tear slipped down her face.

"Hey Grace. Don't worry about it, what's done is done. Just forget about it, we'll talk about it tomorrow alright." I say comforting her and rubbing her back. She nodded and wiped her tears away.

"Anyways, Grace why are we here?" I asked as we started walking towards the forest, are little conversation long gone.

"Well..." she started. I just waited for her to continue.

"There's a new consoler joining us today and we decided to have a welcoming party. I can't remember his name but he's our age and apparently really shy and KE-UTE!" Only Grace would say that.

"Oh yea I heard about that, but I didn't know there was a party?"

"Yea, so that's where we're going, time to put our party faces on WOOT WOOT!" I laughed as my bestfriend started to dance around. After a couple of minutes Grace had stop dancing. We had stopped right in front of a bush. Seeing my confused expression, Grace went up to the bush and lifted it up for me. As I looked inside I noticed we were at the party.

'HUH, that's a good hiding spot' I thought to myself thinking how I could've missed it.

"LET'S PARTY!!!" Yelled Grace running ahead of me to the dance floor.

I giggled and walked into the party area myself. I looked around seeing people dancing, eating and chatting. Another thing I noticed was there were no campers just consolers. After a couple of minutes went by I started getting thirsty, so I walked over to the punch bowl. When I got there, there was a boy with messy blond hair but in a good way getting punch. After waiting 5 minutes for him to move, he turned around to quickly, almost spilling his drink on me.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry did I spill my drink on you, oh my god..." he kept rambling then cursed under his breath.

"Hey, it's okay, you didn't spill anything on me." I say giggling. Now that I got a good look at him he had olive skin, messy blond hair and sparkling green eyes.

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