Ch 7

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It was around 6 now, Phil and Dan were getting ready to go to Radio 1 for the second time that day. The had gone to interview some celebrities and now they had to go back for there radio show. Dan was showering when suddenly he thought of Phil, he truly loved this boy. He had a feeling that Phil didn't feel the same way though, this upset Dan a lot, knowing Phil would never go gay or bi. He wanted Phil to love him like he did. After showering Dan got dressed and waited for Phil to get ready.

Phil was getting a lot of texts from his parents wondering if Molly got to his apartment ok. He replied saying she was fine and not to worry. He rolled his eyes, his parents worried a lot, they kicked her out and they still care. Molly was only 18 though so he understood why they were angry.

When Phil was ready  they both left for Radio 1. As soon as they arrived they were greeted by the nice lady at the desk, her name was Chloe Slutton, she chatted to everyone who came in, always starting a conversation, she also high fives some of the workers and you can never really have a full moment with her. Chloe was talking to them about some guests that were going to be on our show and then she went completely off track talking about how she had to babysit her friends children and play dolls with the kids while the parents went out having fancy food and stuff like that. "The children were little brats, and no not the dolls before you ask, the monsters, they kept stealing the dolls and the clothes." Chloe kept going on, while Dan coughed awkwardly."Yeah, Chloe as much as we'd love to stay and hear about the little devils you were minding, we've gotta go get ready for the show." Phil said, Chloe nodded muttering to herself about the little monsters. 

Dan and Phil both entered the studio only to be greeted by the most ugliest hoe in the world.

A/N Ooooooh

QOTD: Who is the stupid hoe?  (no not Nicki Minaj :P)

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