Ch 15

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Dan woke up, still snuggled up against Phil, Phil was still asleep. 

Dan got up and went into the kitchen, only to find a packet of sleeping pills and an empty glass on the kitchen counter. Dan sighed knowing Phil would not be up for another hour because of those dreaded sleeping pills. Dan hated knowing that his love had problems sleeping and it broke his heart to know that he had turned to this. Dan popped two slices of bread into the toaster for himself.

When the toast was ready Dan walked into the living room, only to see a sobbing Molly on the couch. Dan dropped his toast on the coffee table and hugged Molly close to his chest.  

"Shh, Molly it's okay, Shh." Dan repeated over and over. When Molly finally calmed down she said, "J-J-Josh, I caught him c-cheating on me with some s-slut."  

Pools of tears flooded from Molly's eyes. Dan couldn't believe it, they were engaged and Molly was pregnant with that assholes son.

When Molly calmed down again she said, "H-he said s-she was a better k-k-kisser and fucked better than m-me, and the o-only reason he s-s-stayed with me was because I was p-pregnant, and he would have left m-months ago, and getting engaged was a m-m-mistake. I mean, if that manwhore thinks, he can just leave me like a pile of fucking garbage on the curb, he's fucking wrong, I'm pregnant for fuck sake." fucking waterfalls were falling from Molly's eyes. Dan knew she didn't deserve this, she was smart, beautiful and not afraid to say what was on her mind. Dan knew if the seen this manwhore again, he would beat the shit out of him. "I'm going to have to put him up for adoption." Molly whispered under her breath, referring to the child inside her. "I can't be a single mother looking after a child, he needs two proper parents."

Dan shook his head, "No, me and Phil will help you look after him, he won't need his proper father, and soon enough there will be another person, way better than Josh in your life." Molly smiled happily, knowing her son will be happy with a mother and two almost fathers. Molly thanked Dan for comforting her, and went to her bedroom.

Dan left the toast on the coffee table, he wasn't hungry anymore. He looked at his stomach, it had gotten much fatter over the last month, he was eating healthier, but it wasn't working he kept getting bigger. He hadn't told Phil, but Phil kept asking what was wrong, but Dan always replied with nothing, he didn't want to tell Phil, even though he knew Phil would love him even if he was the size of the moon.

QOTD: Josh is a scumbag! do you agree?

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