Ch 18

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Dan was awoken by a deadly scream. He jumped out of bed and ran to where the source of the scream was coming from. As he got closer to the sound he relised it was coming from Molly's room. He opened the door and ran in. Phil was already in the room clutching his sister's hand tightly.  

Molly's eyes were shut tight, Dan was keeling beside her 'shh'ing her and telling her it was ok. Molly screamed, "Get me to a hospital now." Dan and Phil bought grabbed each of her hands and helped her out to the car. Phil got into the drivers chair and Dan buckled Molly up in the back while squishing in beside her.  

They drove to the hospital and rushed insided. "Baby, coming, now." Molly screeched as the woman behind the desk searched through her files. Dan guessed Chloe got fired as she was not there. "Room 157." She said before they all rush down the hall. As they approached the door, Dan ran ahead and knocked frantically on the door, while Phil was behind helping Molly. A young doctor awnsered the door and stepped aside allowing Molly to enter. "Baby, coming, now." she squeaked as the doctor laid her down on a bed, "I'm going to need you to push." Molly screeched as pain was shot through her body.

It was an hour before the baby arrived. The nurse took him away to be cleaned up, while Molly rested.  

Dan and Phil sat beside Molly, Phil was still holding his sisters hand. Phil asked Dan to text his parents telling them, his sister just gave birth.

The nurse arrived a short time later, holding the baby in her arms, she handed the baby over to Molly.  

"Welcome to the world Jacob." Molly whispered softly. Dan and Phil 'awwed' at the new baby. The doctor entered the room, "Molly, I'm afraid we are going to have to keep the baby in the hospital just to make sure he's fine. You may leave if you're feeling well." The doctor was about to leave when all of a sudden Dan groaned in pain and fell unconscious.

(>•-•)> <(•-•<) (>•-•)>

Dan woke up, his memory's were clouded and foggy, like mist in the early morning. Dan slowly opened his heavy eyes, he looked around and saw Phil beside him looking at him worried. "W-what happened?" Dan said his voice still groggy. "You fell unconscious and hit your head off the bed and the doctor took you to the x-ray room to see if there was any damage to the skull, but they found out something unusual." Phil said, looking he was about to cry. "Is there something wrong, did I damage something?" Dan asked worried, "No, Dan your pains, you kept getting pains in your stomach and you said you felt like you were getting fat, when you were eating healthy. Dan you don't have any damage with your skull, but you may have something far worse." Tears were at the brim of his eyelids. "Phil, w-what's wrong with me?" Dan asked worried he may have been diagnosed with some disease.

"Dan, y-you're,  

you're pregnant."

QOTD: OHMYGAWD!!!!!! where you expecting that?

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