Ch 20

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"Car crash in London, near by St. Paul's hospital, 2 teenage boys have been found injured. The wounds are life threatening and may be untreatable." the news buzzed on the TV. Dan sat in the uncomfortable hospital bed, waiting for Phil to collect him. That car crash was just down the road. What if Phil had been injured? Dan thought to himself. No Dan stop worrying, Phil's fine. Dan tried reassuring himself, but he almost died when they showed pictures of the scene. It was Phil's car. He could see Phil. Phil's head was leaning against the airbag, the glass from the front window had shattered and the bonnet of the car was completely devoured by the other car. Dan almost throw up. The love of his life, clutching on to his dear life, if he was not yet dead, which Dan refuses to think. "The two men aged around 17 and 26 have been taken to St. Paul's hospital for any treatment. If you have any information please contact this number." Dan shut the TV off any dialed the number. When someone finally picked up, Dan spoke, "Hello, I know something about one of the men in the car crash." The person on the end of the phone quickly answered telling Dan to give as much information as possible. "His name is Philip Lester, he's 26 years old, he was on his way to pick me up from St. Paul's hospital, but must have crashed. He's my best friend and he can't be dead, because he's not just my friend, he's my boyfriend and I love him." The person on the other end went silent. "Philip Lester, is alive, but barely, he's been taken to St. Paul's hospital where he will most likely live his last moments." Dan almost screamed. Phil was about to die. Dan rushed out of the hospital bed and rushed down the corridor, to the desk. "Phil Lester? What room?" Dan asked panicking. The woman behind the desk looked Dan up and down, Dan looked down and relised he was still in the hospital gown. And his butt was now on show to everyone. Dan blushed, but the woman smiled and said "Room 47, but he is currently being treated. You may have to wait 10 to 20 minutes before you can visit." Dan thanked the woman and rushed down the hall, not even taking a second look at all the peasants giving him dirty looks for his bareness. As he reached the door he sat on the waiting chairs waiting. 15 more minutes. 10 more minutes. 5 more minutes. By this point Dan was picking at his nails, he was extremely nervous. For all he knew, Phil could be dead on the other side of that door. "Dan?" someone said, Dan tilted his head only to see Eva. "Ugh, it's you." Dan grumbled, "You're no sunshine either, I'm still pissed at you btw." Eva hissed, Dan chuckled remembering the conversation they had had recently. "Why are you here anyway?" Dan asked, "Josh was the other person in the car crash." Eva mumbled, "He died." Dan suddenly felt bad. He treated him so bad. "I'm sorry for your loss." Dan whispered. The doctor soon opened the door, "Dan Howell?" he asked, Dan nodded his head, nervous to hear what the doctor was about to say. "Phil Lester has requested you come in." Dan got up and walked in to the room. He was almost startled by the look of his loved one. Phil lay in the hospital bed, his head covered up in bandages, his right leg was in a cast, his left arm was bandaged up, he had one black eye, a broken nose, his kneecap was damaged and even though he was in all this pain he still smiled. "Phil has been critically injured and only has moments left." the doctor whispered to Dan low enough for Phil not to hear. Dan nodded, tears rolled down his cheeks. Dan walked over to Phil, "You know, after all this time, I thought you were responsible and would never get in a car crash." Dan chuckled lightly. 

"Dan you don't have to pretend, I know I'm going to die." Phil whispered, tears streaming down his face, "What happened?" Dan asked, "Hate. It got the best of me." Phil sighed, "I was angry and wasn't looking where I was going." Dan was now full on crying. "I don't want you to go." He whispered, "I don't want raise a child on my own. I can't. I need you by my side." Phil chucked lightly, "You'll be fine, he or she will love you just as much as I do. And one day, he or she will understand. Plus you'll have Molly by your side raising Jacob."  

"How can you be so positive, your about to die, you wont see he or she, they won't know there father." Dan said softly, "They'll know we made the impossible, possible." Phil said smiling, "That was just luck." Dan muttered. Phil laughed, "More like destiny." Phil's laughs soon turned to coughs, "No Phil don't leave me, not yet." Dan cried, Phil whispered, "I love-" before being cut off by a long beep. Phil was gone. And Dan's life was over.

The End

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