Ch 12

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"Okay, we were thinking, Jacob River McScallion or Thomas Jason McScallion. I chose Jacob and Josh chose Thomas, but I think Jacob is cuter and we had a cat called Jacob once." Molly said, her and Josh were choosing baby names at the kitchen table.

Dan and Phil both had to choose which one fit better. Molly was now 6 months pregnant and she was huge!

"I like Jacob River McScallion." Phil replied, "Me too." Agreed Dan.
Phil and Dan were still madly in love, they hadn't done anything besides kissing yet, mainly because Dan wasn't ready with his past and all.

They knew they would when they were both ready, Molly was still reminding them to keep the condoms, which Phil found extremely embarrassing.

Molly and Josh had also gotten engaged, Josh had proposed when they were out at the cinema, while Molly was eating her popcorn Josh had the wedding ring at the end of the popcorn bucket and she said yes.
"Jacob Blue McScallion it is then!" Molly said pecking Josh on the lips.

That night Dan and Phil were watching TV in Phil's room, Phil would often kiss Dan's cheek or lips at the romantic parts. Dan would do the same.

Phil noticed Dan wasn't acting himself lately, Phil had questioned Dan about this before, but Dan would just say nothing. Phil could tell something was up though and he didn't know why he wasn't telling him the truth.

QOTD: Do you have any idea what Dan is hiding?

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