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A\N I haven't been to a funeral in 6 years! Dont judge me if I get stuff wrong!

Dan dressing in a black suit and tie. He couldn't believe it was Phil's funeral. He stud in front of the mirror, straighting his hobbit hair, but he had the strangest feeling someone was staring at him.

He left the apartment and soon arrived at the church. Before entering he fixed his hair making sure he looked presentable. The priest was setting up the alter, and putting flowers on Phil's cream, coffin. 

There was pictures of Phil and lion surrounding the coffin and lion was sitting on top of the coffin. Molly entered the church first with Jacob and her parents.  

People started crowding in the church only minutes later. The priest started giving a big long speech about how amazing Phil was and how such a young man could die within seconds, but was interrupted by the screams of Jacob, Molly grabbed Jacob and sang, "Jacob is my baby boy, Jacob is my pride and joy." Over and over again. The priest had to ask Molly to leave twice before she actually left. The priest continued his speech while Molly kept trying to sneak in using, "My dead brother is in there." Dan sighed, wondering what life would be like without Phil, Phil had led him through the tough times. Molly would probably move out with Jacob, and he would be left alone. With no one. Except the unborn child. Dan continued with his thoughts, while the priest was finishing up with the mass. Dan and 7 other men picked up the coffin and walked out of the church while the choir sang in the background.

They all walked out of the church while people piled out of the church and made a pathway to the church gates where a car was parked to take Phil to the graveyard.

All the men froze as they felt shaking coming from within the box and heard scraping and crys for help. They all dropped the box very carefully and opened the box. Dan screamed with joy while everyone else screamed with fear. "Who the fudge monkeys put me in here." Phil joked with a hint of seriousness in his voice. Dan hugged Phil while the priest was on the phone to the police.

Phil's legs felt like jelly when Dan pulled Phil out of the coffin. Dan sighed knowing Phil was okay and in his arms. "Promise to never do that to me again." Dan whispered into Phil's shoulder, "I promise."

The End(yes it is really the end this time)

A/N Thank you guys for reading and I really hope you guys enjoyed it:) it was really fun to write as my first book and if there is any Doctor Who fans out there I'm planning on making a Doctor Who fanfic so look forward to that :) Thank you for reading -Emma x

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