11: Things they do that you find cute

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When he gets excited and he cant hold it in he giggles. Except, its this really high pitched kind of squeaking noise. The first time you heard him do this, his face when red and looked like his soul left his body. You went into a fit of "Aww"'s and giggles, and told him that he was adorable.

The way his brow creases in concentration, and how into things he can get. If he is reading something he doesn't quite understand, he will stare intently and block out everything else. You can yell his name one hundred times and not be able to get his attention without slapping him.

Sometimes when she is laughing too hard, she snorts. She hates it, but you find it adorable. Often times, she avoids laughing entirely because of this. You force it out of her, though, by tickling her.

Kylo Ren:
When Kylo tries not to smile, he gets a certain look on his face that can only be described as constipated. When this happens, you usually burst out laughing, making him actually smile.

You found the way he would make faces while reading adorable. He would often hides his face while he's reading, because he gets so into reading, that he feels with the characters. He smiles when something good happens, and frowns when something bad happens, and though it may be rare, cries when something sad happens. He, of course, never let you see him cry.

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