So , This is how it is ?

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Recap : Niall's POV : I cannot and will not let her be the one that got away. I don't know how and I don't know why but every time I really start to like someone I always either get cheated on, or Michael or someone ends up stealing her from me, and it has always been the same for Josh, he always has some steal his girlfriend or boyfriend. It's not right.   

Jasmine's POV:
I don't know what to say to Niall and he hasn't texted me: I don't know if he is mad at me or something for when I didn't check my phone when I was hanging out with Michael. I think I will talk to Nialler today to see what's up and to talk to him about everything, if he avoids me in lunch again I am gonna break up with him, even though I don't want to he keeps avoiding me face to face in school and outside of school he is just so sweet and and nice to me and goes with me everywhere. Is he embarrassed of me ? Is he worried that I'll embarrass him since I am pretty much the opposite of him in appearance wise ? Do his friends not like me ? I don't know what to think or believe anymore. I just want to leave my past behind in America, in Penn Yan the small town I grew up most of my life in. I obviously just can't escape it. I wanted to start over new and get a fresh start. I guess I probably should have changed my personality and appearance as well. Instead of just my address as country. I guess I was wrong.

 I was home in my room listening to my music when my phone started to ring , when I checked it , hoping it was Niall , it wasn't . It was Michael on face time . I wasn't in the mood to face time him so I just declined it and instantly I got a bunch of messages from Michael . He was not pleased with me , at all he was a bit mad I declined his face time call . But all I wanted to do was talk to Niall and he won't respond to any of my calls , texts or face times . I have tried to Skype him , DM him on Twitter and Instagram . Nothing . Nothing is all I have gotten from him . The thing is , I think I started to actually fall for him and now when I am finally processing it , he completely ignores me . He even bailed on our plans to go to the movies like we had planned for a few weeks . This is getting to be too much ! I can't do this anymore , I just cant !

Michael's POV : 

How could she decline my face time ?! D: It is not like her . lately she has seemed depressed , and upset /: I most definitely do not like seeing her like this ! It makes me sick to see her upset and down all the time . If I find out that this has anything to do with ... Niall ! I will personally deliver a royal ass whooping to him because he seriously needs it if this is because of him . I can't believe that I was ever best friends with that guy . He seriously makes me want to repeatably punch myself with a chair .

Niall's POV : 

I can not believe that she is friends with Michael ! Of all people , it just had to be Michael . Ugh ! I want to talk to her , but for some reason I feel like I shouldn't . As if , we were meant to be but there is still an obstacle in the way and I knew what obstacle was , or should I say who ?

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