Chapter 25

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I woke up snuggled against Niall, he had his arms around me like he was hugging my and my head was laying on his shoulder. I realized that we passed out watching movies and to my surprise we forgot about the ice cream out on the table and it melted and the tv was still on as well. Niall was still asleep so I slowly tried getting up so I didn't wake him up. However I failed, he had a cute sleepy voice cause he was just waking up and he had bed head and was just so adorkable ! He rubbed his eyes and said "where are you going ?" As he was confused. I told him that I was trying to get up and make breakfast before he woke up. Just at the word breakfast he jumped up and pulled me into the kitchen. But then he ran off so. I was confused at first but realized he probably went to the bathroom or to get changed. He came back in the kitchen and dried his hands, and said that he went to the bathroom. He told me where the bathroom was if I needed it and said that I probably already figured it out. So we made breakfast and ate. Then Niall asked me if I wanted an outfit to wear since I didn't have any clothes with me. It was funny cause he had a pair of women's jeans that he don't even know we're women's that he said he wears all the time. The funny thing is, they were the same size I wear. So he gave me the women's black skinny jeans and a polo shirt. How'd he even know ?! I love polo shirts, when I was a kid I would wear one everyday and had one in just about every color. He said I could change in his room and he would go change in the bathroom, unless I wanted to change in the bathroom. I just changed in his room and he left his dresser drawer open so I went to close it, seeing he had polo shirts in almost every color ! It was awesome cause I have all the same shirts but women's and his are men's. I closed it and went in the living room. Only to find Niall, who was wearing the same exact outfit as me. I laughed and he said "I thought it'd be cute" and winked. So I casually said, I like your polo collection. He looked at me for a second and said surprised "what ?!" I looked at him and told him he left his drawer open and when I went to close it I saw some of his shirts. He loosened up a little and smiled at me. He is so sweet. We made a second breakfast and ended up going over to my house so I could finish getting around for the day, he insisted we hang out today so, he hung out in my room while I did my makeup and hair. When I was done, we left and walked around town for a bit and got something to eat at McDonald's then Taco Bell, cause why not ? It was the best day ever, nothing could make it better. Or so I thought...

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