Meeting Everyone (:

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After I introduced myself to Michael and Jenny, everyone around the table and introduced themselves. First it was the one with dark brown hair almost black, with big brown eyes. He said "I Calum" and then he started rambling on about something when the girl next to him lightly slapped him on the shoulder, playfully kinda. She then proceeded to say "I am his girlfriend, (gesturing toward Calum, and laughing), My name is Jasmine as well (:" I smiled and the next person went on and introduced them self. "Ashton, is the name" he had blondish brown hair it was straight and he had a lot of bracelets on. They all seemed really nice. But that boy from earlier kept staring at me. As I was sitting there at the table talking and eating, I would glance over at that boy just a few times. I could feel his stare, it was kinda bugging, hence me glancing over at him and every time I would or look up, he would just smile. Why was he staring at me ?! Why would anyone want to ? I don't even like looking at myself in the mirror, let alone a cute guy who wouldn't stop with the staring.

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