Chapter 24

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Before I could get my phone out, Niall was stopping me. He said that he would rather hang out after school and asked me to come to his practice. So I agreed and we just hung out for the rest of the daytime was cool until he wanted to know what had happened and I kept telling him nothing but he could obviously see that I was lieing. So I just told him that I got in an argument with Michael over a game and he seemed to believe that. I got up to go make something to eat and get a drink and left it on the table by Niall's couch. He stayed and was watching the tv. continuously changing the channel. And I heard my phone go off but I ignored it. But I guess Niall didn't cause he yelled so I could hear him and said "what is she talking about Jasmine ?" "What do you mean Niall, who ?" He came walking toward me with my phone in his hand. He handed it to me and said read it. It was a text from Ellyn, ( Ellyn: hey you know we didn't mean to say that today but you really shouldn't hang out with him, he is gonna hurt you. He is manipulative and I know you aren't like most people Jaz, but you shouldn't even talk to him.) I looked up at Niall who was already looking at me. Our eyes met and and his eyes had turned a darker shade of blue. He looked hurt and I could tell :/ he asked me what she meant so I proceeded to tell him what actually happened and he said he understood. After that j finished making dinner and we watched tv. And talked through commercials and weird parts of the movies we watched. Neither one of us bothered to do homework and we had lost track of time because when I checked my phone it was 11:30 and past my curfew so I wasn't really allowed to leave so I called my mom and she got mad because I wasn't home. Niall offered to let me stay at his so I asked my mom and she reluctantly said that I could since I wasn't allowed to go out after 11:30. So we just sat together on the couch and watched movies all night till we both passed out.

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