Chapter 21

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All day, I couldn't stop thinking about him. At lunch, Michael kept looking at me and nudging his sister. She then yelled at him and got up and moved to a different table. She isn't like the rest of us. She has more friends, other than just all of Michael's friends. She isn't anti social at all. She is more neutral and normal, the only thing that makes her different is that she dyes her hair like Michael and I. And, dare I say Niall ?! I found out that he is like the group that is popular, but no at the same time. He is the sporty type of popular because he plays soccer, and one of the people the group tries to stay away from. I don't know why though, Niall is really nice. He is cool and even if he doesn't realize it, he is attractive. Well, at least to me... But, as I was thinking, I was interrupted by Michael saying, "what's got you so distracted lately ? I haven't known you that long and you have been distant from us and you haven't hung out with us at all" Ellyn then butted in and said, "Michael, stop" "No, she hasn't even talked to us, she just sits there, but she can continuously talk to that jerk." I mentally face palmed and forgot that Michael was in the work period that I always talk to Niall in. So I said, "What are you talking about Michael ? I didn't know it really mattered. I didn't think you guys would want to hang out with me to be honest,-"Jazzy stop" Ellyn interrupted as she went to finish her sentence I interrupted her- "No, I didn't think they would El, you know that and you know how I am." Everybody just looked at me and as Michael told them that I was talking to Niall and then everybody kept telling me to stop taking to him and that he was a jerk and he would turn on me. So I just sat there, and as I went to say something my phone went off. It was Niall..

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