Chapter 26

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I thought the day couldn't get any better, but somehow better wiggled its way in. We were walking when our hands brushed together so I figured it was an accident, so I ignored it. But then it happened two more times. I finally looked at him and he looked back at me with a light pink shade on his cheeks. Then he just grabbed my hand. At first I pulled my hand away, and wiped it on my pants cause I don't like touching, unless I have known you for a while and I fully trust you. When I looked at Niall he looked upset, and hurt. "I'm sorry, I really am" "Its okay." "No it's not, i don't know why I did that, I mean I trust you and all" "Thanks, but.." I cut him off. "I mean we woke up snuggled together ! I don't see why I reacted that way, I'm sorry." We just started walking again. A few minutes of awkward silence passed and I grabbed his hand without thinking and intertwined our fingers. I looked down and smiled, cause it felt.... Nice. I glanced at him and he was also smiling. I like him but I don't know if he rely likes me the same way. I hope he does cause I really like him and when I'm with him I feel like I can be myself. I feel comfortable with him and I haven't even known him that long. But that is what I like about it, and he is really nice, sensitive, amazing, sweet and I don't see why he doesn't have a girlfriend ! I really like the way I can tell him anything, at least I think I can. Every time I'm around him I get butterflies, and just the mention of his name makes me feel 10x better ! That's when it happened !

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