T.V, Pizza and FIFA !

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We had a rather fun night ! We stayed at his and ordered pizza after we got done being memorized by each other, well at least I was :) He ordered 4 pizzas.bi offered to chip in, but be wouldn't let me. I picked 2 and so did he. The 2 I chose were Hawaiian and meat lovers stuffed crust. We ordered separately, but when we came back in the room at the same time we both asked each other "What 2 flavors did you choose ?!" I laughed when we said it in perfect unison, and for some reason we kept doing it ! Again in perfect unison, we said "Meat Lovers with stuffed crust and Hawaiian !" I smiled and said, "Well, I guess we have great taste don't you ?!" He smiled and came over and sat next to me on the couch and said "yeah, yeah we do." We then watched some tv and played Fifa while waiting for the pizzas to arrive. Once they did we sat together and kinda just talked. We both ramble and talk a lot ! Which I found interesting. I had a great night ! But then I had to leave. So he drove me home after a while, and then he said thanks for coming over. I will see you in school tomorrow.

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