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After that amazing morning, we decided to hang out at my place today and Niall was one of those people who made me forget I had a phone !! So I remembered to check it cause I hadn't and I had a shit ton of messages. Some from Mikey and and almost all of them were from Ellyn and some random number I've never seen before. I didn't think much of it and didn't read any of the messages. I pushed it away and made it something I would do later. It's now Sunday and we have school tomorrow :( we have midterms so we get out early though. Yay ! "Whatcha doing ?" "Nothin, was just checking my phone but I put it away." "Oh, okay, so what do you want to do today ?" "Um, o don't know. Do you just wanna chill here and relax while listening to music ?" "Sure, sounds fun." I could tell he didn't really want to, so I told him to go through the songs and I would be right back. I grabbed an outfit for today and went into my bathroom and changed. I smiled and came up with an idea ! I grabbed all my makeup after I brushed my hair and teeth. I took it into my room and put it all on my bed. He looked at me confused.. "Can we do the boyfriend does my makeup challenge and put it on YouTube ?!" "I don't know what that is.." So I started explaining and ended up rambling like I always do ! Nice song choice by the way ! I really like The Offspring. He smiled and said " I can tell you have a lot of them on your phone, and you have a lot of messages." I was embarrassed, and hesitantly asked him how he knew my password. "It was a lucky guess ?" He said questioningly. He handed me his phone and said "try guessing mine" with an adorable smile. I typed my password cause that's what I always do when guessing and his phone unlocked ! "W-we have the same password ?! Did you change yours to match mine ?" "No, it's been that password since I got my phone." "Really ?! That's cool and weird all at the same time.. kinda like us !" :D I said. " he smiled and asked me.. Need in mind changing the subject back to the challenge. "So.., boyfriend does your makeup." "That's the name of the challenge, so yeah, why ?" " well wouldnt I have to be your boyfriend in order to do the challenge ?" "No, not necessarily, I mean people do it with their best friends." "Oh, he looked down, not making eye contact at all and I went to say something as I was looking down as well, I kinda felt bad cause I'm awkward in those situations an didn't know what to say. Only to be surprised by him crashing his lips into mine, again ! I hesitantly started to kiss back and he turned his head and deepened the kiss. He was honestly my first kiss and I didn't know what to do so I just followed his lead, when we broke apart he looked me straight in the eyes and his eyes were a bright blue, I've never seen them like that, and I haven't known him that long, but they were pretty. I couldn't help it, I couldn't break eye contact, they were gorgeous. "Jazzy, will you be my girlfriend ?" He said so confidently. "I was, still looking into his eyes unable to speak or look away. But all of a sudden with out even thinking I said yes and just like that we were a couple ! I was so excited and I really like him and I can't believe we are now boyfriend and girlfriend ! "I would love to, after I thought about it and I ended up kissing him this time :)

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