The Group.

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As I walked over to the table with Ellyn and her giant of a boyfriend Luke, the people just stared at me. I felt really awkward. I am really self conscious and I was getting uncomfortable. I think everyone was. I would've but I am kinda shy at first. Once I get to know people I feel like I can be more like myself and I am not shy at all (: I think they were probably staring at my hair. I dyed it blonde and blue. It is quite bright. But there were 2 others sitting at the table with brightly colored hair though. So that helped. They were the first to introduce themselves to me. "Hi, I'm Michael" the boy said with The bright hair. The girl with brightly colored hair introduced herself as well "Hey, I'm Jenny, Michael's little sister" she said with a smile. I smiled as I looked over to Michael blushing a light faint tint of pink. I let out a small laugh and said, "I'm Jasmine."

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