Work Period

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After lunch, El showed me to the work period we had. Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton wet also in the work period. I hadn't had any work to do, so I just started drawing. After Ellyn finally got done with her homework, we started talking and she started to draw as well. She started to write 5SOS on a blank piece of paper, and that is when it hit me ! I knew the guys looked familiar, and she knew I started watch these guys on YouTube ! She was messing with me. I blurted out: "5 Seconds Of Summer" and the guys went wide eyed and just looked at me for a second. Ellyn then looked up and smirked at me. She then proceeded to say "I knew you would realize who they were once I wrote that !" She started to laugh. I could feel my face heat up little bit, it was embarrassing ! I put my head down on my arms, where they were resting on the desk. I started thinking and I finally knew exactly who they were and why I kept questioning myself about why they looked so familiar. I can't believe that I met a band that I love ! On top of that, I didn't even recognize them ! What is wrong with me ?! But, when I had also realized how much I got picked on in school for being me, and how I was always talking about them. I had kept to myself after that. I would watch them everyday and just listen to them sing ! They were a great inspiration ! They had truly saved me ! Then, the bell rang interrupting my deep thought. Ellyn and the guys waited for me but none of said anything as Luke and Ellyn walked hand in hand down the hallway with the rest of us, meaning Michael, Calum, Ashton and I following behind them.

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